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Checklist for CTI integration

Setup example for Unify Open Scape Voice with TAPI 170 TSP.

TAPI installation


3rd party driver installation on the CTI JBoss server

Customer / telecommunication system administrator

Enable participants / extensions for TAPI drivers in the telecommunication system

Customer / telecommunication system administrator

Check the driver, e.g. with the Windows dialer or TAPI master

Customer / telecommunication system administrator

Check the number format (extension only, without city code or complete E.164?)

Customer / telecommunication system administrator

The CTI JBoss can be copied as a template from the CRM-JBoss.

CTI JBoss installation


Parallel installation to the CRM production system with its own port

CURSOR / Customer

Setting up the JBoss service with service user

CURSOR / Customer

Daily restart of the CTI JBoss service (~ 01:00 – in coordination with a possible restart of the telecommunication system)


Activate log archiving in JBoss (local directory or network drive)

CURSOR / Customer

The CTI interface requires CRM login data in order to send the events to the CRM via the Rest interface

Setting up CTI users


Create new technical CTI user in CRM or use technical service web service user


Possibly create a new CTI user in AD


Set up read/write rights to the rights template "Field rights for CTI...", possibly via a new group for this user


The CTI interface is set up directly in the CRM.

Setting up CTI interface


Store the server and port of the CTI JBoss in the system settings


Store the CTI user with password in the system settings

CURSOR / Customer

Customizing the telephony configuration in the admin console

  • Length of the extension

  • exclusion list, if applicable

CURSOR / Customer

Create the CTI server in the Admin menu

  • TAPI 3rd party, E.164 format, server: any (e.g. TAPI 170 TSP)

CURSOR/ Customer

Create the CTI telephones for each participant in the Admin menu

  • Number from the TAPI driver

  • Employee allocation

CURSOR / Customer

Set up the CTI Monitor process as a timer action every 15 minutes (5:00 - 20:00)


Expand CTI info board if necessary

CURSOR / Customer

Expand CTI process for unknown number if necessary

CURSOR / Customer

To test the interface, a small group of participants should be activated for the time being. After a successful test, a further rollout is possible.

CTI interface test


Activate CTI debug log on CRM and CTI JBoss


Perform interface tests according to scenario

CURSOR / Customer

Evaluate logs in the event of errors and correct errors

CURSOR Support / Development

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