Deletion rules in the user context
The deletion rule is now executed in the context of a user, thus applying their unit and group rights to the data. Requirement for customizing in customer systems: Employee synchronization is activated or a technical employee has sufficient rights.
Deletion rules of the standard layer (C0) and customer layer (C1) are always executed in the context of TECH_USER.
Check the parameters of each rule in the C0 layer before overriding it.

A user must be assigned to a new deletion rule
The user can be changed subsequently (taking the layer into account)
When checking the number of datasets for a deletion rule in another user context, a separate message is displayed
When activating the number of datasets for a deletion rule in another user context, a separate message is displayed
In order to be able to test the data with the rights of the specified user, the deputy for this user can be used. This is necessary for technical users, for example, as it is not possible to log in to the Client.