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restrict myCRM Calendar to Own Activities Only

If selections at activity level are to be restricted so that a user can only view his or her own activities (Delegated to, Delegated from = USER), this can be set for the calendar via SQL statements.

SQL statements


— Deactivate more employees —

INSERT INTO PropertyMapper( Pk, id, property, propertyValue, propertyType, principal, isCustomizing, CustLayer, Active, CreateDate, CreateUser, UpdateDate, UpdateUser, Status, WFInstanceId, RightPk, ClientNo, MassData, OfflineData)
VALUES ( 'SYSTEM.DisableScheduleFurtherEmployees', '/de/cursor/jevi/common/schedule/ScheduleHelperCommon$!!$DisableFurtherEmployees', '', 'true', 'SYSTEM', '', 0, 'CN', 1, getDate(), 'TECH_USER', getDate(), 'TECH_USER', null, null, null, null, 0, 0)

— Deactivate team selection —

INSERT INTO PropertyMapper( Pk, id, property, propertyValue, propertyType, principal, isCustomizing, CustLayer, Active, CreateDate, CreateUser, UpdateDate, UpdateUser, Status, WFInstanceId, RightPk, ClientNo, MassData, OfflineData)
VALUES ( 'SYSTEM.DisableScheduleTeamLists', '/de/cursor/jevi/common/schedule/ScheduleHelperCommon$!!$DisableTeamLists', '', 'true', 'SYSTEM', '', 0, 'CN', 1, getDate(), 'TECH_USER', getDate(), 'TECH_USER', null, null, null, null, 'false', 'false')

— Deactivate more employees —

INSERT INTO PropertyMapper( Pk, id, property, propertyValue, propertyType, principal, isCustomizing, Active, CreateDate, CreateUser, UpdateDate, UpdateUser, Status, WFInstanceId, RightPk, ClientNo, MassData, OfflineData, CustLayer)
VALUES ('SYSTEM.DisableScheduleFurtherEmployees', '/de/cursor/jevi/common/schedule/ScheduleHelperCommon$!!$DisableFurtherEmployees', '', 'true', 'SYSTEM', '', 0, 1, sysdate, 'TECH_USER', sysdate, 'TECH_USER', null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 'CN')

— Deactivate team selection —

INSERT INTO PropertyMapper( Pk, id, property, propertyValue, propertyType, principal, isCustomizing, Active, CreateDate, CreateUser, UpdateDate, UpdateUser, Status, WFInstanceId, RightPk, ClientNo, MassData, OfflineData, CustLayer)
VALUES ('SYSTEM.DisableScheduleTeamLists', '/de/cursor/jevi/common/schedule/ScheduleHelperCommon$!!$DisableTeamLists', '', 'true', 'SYSTEM', '', 0, 1, sysdate, 'TECH_USER', sysdate, 'TECH_USER', null, null, null, null, 0, 0, 'CN')

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