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Process cockpit


The process cockpit offers an overview of the process

The following information is available at a glance:

  • Status information regarding the publication and version status
  • Type of process license
  • Preview of the business model process graph
  • Preview of the implementation model process graph
  • Number of running process instances, grouped by process phase
  • Instance grouping by current process phase
  • Process change history.

You can jump back to the process cockpit from any point of the path in the designer.

For sub processes, the cockpit displays the utilization locations in the parent processes instead of the process phases. The processes can be opened directly from the list.

Functionalities in the process cockpit

The process cockpit functions are accessible via the icon bar:

Save process


Save will store the complete process in the system. The button above that allows the creation of a process copy that can be saved under a new name. All models and external data will be applied to that copy. The process has the version number 1 and is not deployed. Changes to the copy have some limited effect on the original:

  • All mask scripts are process-specific.
  • External resources (see collection), e.g. masks, will not be copied and can therefore be used by both processes.
  • Searches, reports, etc. are considered external data, which can be used by multiple processes.

Save as sub process

The button

Save as sub process changes the current process into a sub process. The start and end events of the business and implementation model are converted into the relevant events for sub processes.

Process overload

Processes from the CURSOR Standard layer and the Partner layer can be overloaded. Editing is deactivated for processes opened from within a lower layer. The customer can overload the process to create a copy of the process with the same ID. In the customer system, the process is executed in the new Customizing layer if it was previously deployed.

Deploy process

Clicking this icon will make the process available for use in the system. A relevant license must be available for deployed customer processes. Standard processes and module processes do not require a license, provided they were not overloaded.

Deactivate process

Clicking the button

will deactivate the process. Once deactivated, no further instances of the process will be started. No active instances can be processed.

Open published process versions

If the process was published in several versions, the older process definitions can be opened and viewed in read-only mode.

The older definition opens in a separate level and thus allows the comparison of the changes with the current version of the process.

Log level


Click on the selection menu to set the log level for the process scripts. This option also affects currently running process instances. The existing functionality ScriptUtils.enableDebug can overload this setting to allow more detailed testing during development.

It is important to note that this setting does not affect the start condition of the process. If that setting was changed, then the user will have to log in again into the rich client to apply the log level there.

Validating process scripts

All BPM scripts can be checked for bugs via this button.

We are currently examining possible update conflicts that might occur if the call of WorkSaceScriptUtils.saveEntry does not assign the result.

Delete process

Processes can be removed from the system as well.

A deletion is, however, only possible if a deployed process was deactivated and there are no remaining running instances. A deactivation can be done in the implementation model. Open tasks can be viewed in the collection. A deletion will remove the process complete with all models and process data. The start rules, deployed processes, completed process instances and all historicized data will be removed from the process engine.

We recommend exporting the process for backup creation before deleting it in the system. It can then simply be re-imported as needed.

Export process

Via the

Export button in the cockpit, the entire process can be exported. The process is then saved to a proc file in the file system. This file contains all the information of the process, including the XML format of the BPMN models and additional information like internationalization, masks, data models, searches, etc. An exported process can be imported, edited and deployed in another system.

An export from the business or implementation model allows an export of the active model in XML or PNG format only. A PNG export will align with the current zoom level of the model.

Creating process documentation

In addition to the option of transferring the modeled processes in CURSOR-BPM to other systems via import/export, you can also create comprehensive process documentation in Word format.

Via the

Document button, all process information is output in a document. That document can then immediately be used as current and complete process documentation.

The documentation procedure relates to the current view. That means if you start the process documentation from within the cockpit, you will receive comprehensive and complete documentation. Starting the documentation procedure from within the business, implementation or data model will result in documentation relevant to the model only.

CURSOR-BPM offers an editor for process entry, documentation and implementation, including a scalable option of using that information unchanged and directly from the system as documentation or complete specifications.

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