Log out

By clicking on the icon Log out you can finish your working session with the Web Client. After logging out, the login mask is visible again. Now you can close the tab or the browser window.
When logging out, the system checks whether:
1. dataset changes that have not yet been saved, or
2. borrowed documents that have not yet been returned.
If the dataset changes are not saved, the save query is returned and, in the case of documents that are still borrowed, notices are provided in a list for return.
Unsaved changes of datasets are lost.
Closing the browser window
Similar to other web applications you need to log off from the Web Client manually by clicking on the icon to disconnect from the server. If you have closed the browser window only, the current session in the Web Client may be re-opened after restarting the browser because the connection to the server still exists. Only after 30 minutes "inactivity" the connection to the server is necessarily separated.
Closing the Web Client tab
Similar to other web applications you need to log off from the Web Client manually by clicking on the icon to disconnect from the server. If you have only closed the web client's tab, the current session in the Web Client may be re-opened after restarting the browser or restoring the tab because the connection to the server still exists. Only after 30 minutes "inactivity" the connection to the server is necessarily separated.