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Addresses and telecommunication data


The address refers to a street or post box address. Telecommunication data are phone, fax and mobile numbers, internet connections and e-mail addresses.

These play a crucial role when creating new business partners, contact persons and employees. Creation and editing of address and telecommunication data are partially automated.

Address properties

Creation and editing of address and telecommunication data are partially automated. These and other properties are listed and explained below:

  • Several addresses can be created to a business partner, contact person or employee.

  • The person has all addresses of its business partners. The main address of a natural person is displayed in their contact person roles on the Private data sheet.

  • As a rule, an address is created together with a business partner role. This receives the characteristics display address and mailing address.

  • When creating an additional business partner, it automatically receives the Main address of the person.

  • When a new contact (including new person) is created, it receives the Display address and Mailing address of the business partner.

  • If an additional contact person role is created to a contact person for a different business partner, it receives the address of the previous contact person role or the address of the new business partner.

  • Changes to address data (e.g. street and number after moving) apply to all linked business partners and contact persons.

  • Addresses to a business partner created on a later date are not automatically linked to its contact person and vice versa. Subsequently, the addresses can be assigned manually.

  • When the mailing address of a business partner changes, its contact persons receive the new Mailing address. The previous address still exists with the contacts. When the mailing address of a contact person changes, it has no effect on the business partner.

  • If the Display address of a business partner changes, it has no effect on its contact persons. The same goes for the business partner when the display address of a contact person changes.

  • The rules for addresses, with exception of the Display address, apply to employees as well as contact persons. There is no Display address for employees. The employee is linked with the system operator (business partner) and can practically be seen as his contact person.

Telecommunication data properties

Creation and editing of telecommunications data are partially automated. This and other properties are listed and explained below:

  • Several connection data can be created to business partner, contact and employee.

  • Generally, Standard telecommunication data are created at the same time with a business partner role. This receives the characteristic.

  • When creating an additional business partner, it automatically receives the Standard telecommunication data of the person.

  • When a new contact (including new person) is created, it receives the Standard telecommunication data of the business partner.

  • If an additional contact role is created to a contact person for another business partner, it automatically receives the connection data of the previous contact role or the of the new business partner.

  • Changes to phone and fax numbers (except for extensions), e-mail domain or web address of the business partner are transferred to the contact person connection data. Once these changes were done to the contact person, there is no adjustment. Changes to extensions and the personal e-mail address have no effect.

  • Connection data of a business partner created afterwards are not automatically linked to its contacts and vice versa. Subsequently, the connection data can be assigned manually.

  • When the Standard connection of a business partner changes, this connection is exchanged by new connection. If the old connection also had the Default communication feature for the contact person, this switches to the new connection.

  • The rules for telecommunication data apply to employees as well as contact persons. The employee is linked with the system operator (business partner) and can practically be seen as his contact person.

Address changes through moving and other reasons

When the address data of a business partner change, you adopt those changes to the existing dataset. Please consider that these changes apply to all contact persons and employees that belong to this address. If, for example, only half the staff moves to the new building in the first step, an additional dataset has to be created. When the rest of the staff follows, the address becomes obsolete and can be deleted.

The same applies to telecommunication data.


With a business partner (e.g. your customer), a consultant can be created as a contact person, even if his/her address and connection data belong to his/her consultant firm (another business partner) and not to your customer.

In this case, create a new contact to the customer with the function Assign contact person. There you select the contact person of another business partner. The new contact person role is created to the based person of the selected contact person. You can now select, whether the new contact person role should receive the address and telecommunication data of the customer or the selected contact person.

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