The creation of an additional address to a business partner is described as follows:
If the address is already created to the basing person, you simply have to assign it to the business partner. You only create the address anew, if it doesn’t already exist to the based person.
Open the main window Business partner
Open the search with a click on if it does not open automatically when you open the main window.
Enter the search criteria for the desired business partner and click Searching
If the result list is too long, limit it by using the column filter. Mark the requested business partner and click Apply.
In the context menu to the business partner (Tree ), select the function Create new and assign / Addresses.
Enter as much information into the text fields as possible (especially the Mandatory fields).
If you would like to edit the address of the business partner subsequently, you should click the icon after you have entered the street. This opens the lookup browser. Confirm your entry with a click on the switch use [Name_of_new_street]. Now the changes are adopted.
Save the new dataset by clicking Save. The new address is automatically linked with the based person of the business partner.
The contact persons of the business partner are not automatically linked with the new address.
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