A quote is usually created along with an opportunity (inquiry). If you go directly to the main window Quote, firstly select the opportunity from the dialog window. Or you choose to go –as described below- the way through the main window Opportunity where you can get important information to the process.
Since the quote system is mapped exclusively in the quotes, certain information is transferred from the quote to the request (e.g. quote value to request value). You can also maintain the probability of success directly in the quote.
If quotes already exist to an opportunity, these have to be completed (field Completed), before you can create a new quote.
Open the main window Sales opportunity and open the desired request.
To create a new quote select Create new and assign / Quotes from the tree of the context menu. The quote number is automatically assigned. Enter as many information into the text fields to the quote as possible (especially the mandatory fields, as well as the fields of the text templates and the signatory, which you will need for creating the quote document). Fields
Contact person, 1st signatory and 2nd signatory you have to fill. Language - select the language to adopt the description for the products in the desired language
Cover fee,, Quote value and Quote Value (FC) will be automatically calculated and filled later when you have created quote items. If you do not want to create quote positions to the quote, you can also manually enter an amount into these fields.
Calculation of the marginal return
DB EUR of a quote item: Estimated (EstimatedQuantity.QuoteItem) * Prime cost product (Primecost.Product) + Prime cost 2 (PrimaryCost2.QuoteItem)
DB % of a quote item: DB EUR / total price (Totalprice.QuoteItem)
DB EUR quote = total DB EUR across all quote items
DB % quote = DB EUR quote / quote value (Quotevalue.Quote)"
Currency - select the currency to the quote. Euro is implicitly the domestic currency.
Exchange rate - enter the current exchange rate (indirect quotation).
Terms of delivery, Terms of payment - select the pre-created document objects, which are to be included into the quote document.
If required, insert pre-text and post-text modules.
Save the new dataset by clicking Save.
If necessary, create quote positions to the quote.
Create the quote document. If the quote document is sent, set the quote status to Quote sent.
In case you have selected the option Update quote and opportunity when creating the quote document, the quote status is automatically set to sent.
If you have created the quote in a foreign currency and then changed the exchange rate afterwards, simply click F5 in order to have the prices calculated anew in foreign currency in the sub view.
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