Creating an employee in Windows Client

For creating a new employee you need to have the corresponding rights.
You can create an employee to a (basing) person or to an already existing business partner role.
At first please check if the basing person to the contact person already exists.
The employee, who is created to a business partner role, should be created with an existing basing person.
If you have rights to create employees and if your license model is based on user licenses, you have to assign the necessary user licenses to the created employee. For details please refer to the documentation for administrators (chapter 'Module management').
Creating a new employee with a new basing person
In the following, the creation of an employee to a new Basing person is described. A basing person does not exist to the new employee yet.
Such combination of circumstances does occur very seldom in practice. At this time, each applicant should have been created as business partner and contact person.
As a rule, you will first see the main window
to start the new creation.
Open the main window Employee. Close the search window, if it is opened automatically when opening the main window.
Click the New button.
Run a duplicate check. If the person is not found, click New creation based on new person.
Fill out the fields of the quick entry mask as complete as possible (especially the mandatory fields) and click Save.
If required, enter more data in the main window and save them by clicking Save. If you have filled out the fields Department, Function, Subsidiary and Date of entry, data for the employee entered here are automatically created, which refer to the new employee. The system operator, his/her address and telecommunication data are automatically assigned to the employee and created to the person, the employee is based on.
Assign a contact person role with the system operator to the new employee.
Complement the private data of the employee (address, telecommunication data). Please consider that these data are directly to be stored with the person (main window Employee / sub area based on person). If they were activated as Standard telecommunication data of the natural person, then they become visible in the main window Employee on the page Private data.
Assign other datasets to the employee, if required.
Creating a new employee with an existing basing person
In the following, the creation of an employee to a business partner is described. A basing person does already exist to the new employee.
If an applicant has been registered as business partner and (his own) contact person, a basing person already exists.
In another constellation it is possible that the new employee has already been entered as contact person to a business partner, having another business relation to the system operator.
Case 1: The employee himself/herself occupies the business partner role and contact person role
Therefore, at first invoke the Basing person .
Open the main window
PersonOpen the search with a click on
Open search
if it does not open automatically when you open the main window.Enter the desired search criteria to the person and click
SearchIf the result list is too long, limit it by using the column filter. Mark the desired person and click
ApplyIn the context menu to the person (tree), select the function Create new and assign/is contact person to.
At first, assign the business partner (system operator) to the new contact person. To do so, enter the search criteria for the business partner and click
SearchingIf the result list is too long, limit it by using the column filter. Mark the requested business partner and click
ApplyEnter as many information into the text fields to the contact person as possible (especially the mandatory fields).
Data of the fields telephone and fax, e-mail and website are adopted from the business partner (system operator).
Save the contact person by clicking Save.
If the address or the telecommunication data of the contact person (tree) differ from the address of the business partner, replace the already assigned address or telecommunication data by new data.
Create a new employee role based on the existing person: In the context menu to the contact person (tree), select the function Create new and assign / is employee.
If required, assign other datasets to the contact.
Set the separation date for the former contact person role.
Delete the former contact person role by clicking Delete. The datasets of the contact person entity are marked inactive.
Delete the former business partner role by clicking Delete. The datasets of the business partner entity are marked inactive.
Case 2: The employee is already the contact person for another business partner (example: employee changed / was enticed away)
The employee is already contact person at another business partner (example: Employee has changed jobs/has been enticed).
Open the main window
PersonOpen the search with a click on
Open search
if it does not open automatically when you open the main window.Enter the desired search criteria to the person and click
SearchIf the result list is too long, limit it by using the column filter. Mark the desired person and click
ApplyIn the context menu to the person (tree), select the function Create new and assign/is contact person to.
At first, assign the business partner (system operator) to the new contact person. To do so, enter the search criteria for the business partner and click
SearchingIf the result list is too long, limit it by using the column filter. Mark the requested business partner and click
ApplyEnter as many information into the text fields to the contact person as possible (especially the mandatory fields).
Data of the fields telephone and fax, e-mail and website are adopted from the business partner (system operator).
Save the contact person by clicking Save.
If the address or the telecommunication data of the contact person (tree) differ from the address of the business partner, replace the already assigned address or telecommunication data by new data.
Create a new employee role based on the existing person: In the context menu to the contact person (tree), select the function Create new and assign / is employee.
If required, assign other datasets to the contact.
Set the separation date for the former contact person role.
Delete the former contact person role by clicking Delete. The datasets of the contact person entity are marked inactive.
The former business partner remains untouched, as he/she continues to exist. The new employee simply has changed the contact person role to the system operator.
Signature prefix
In the field Signature prefix the following keys are provided:
i.A. = on behalf of
i.V. = authorized commercial signatory
PP = legally authorized signatory
When creating a new employee dataset the value i.A is automatically set. This prevents a new employee without full signature permission to be created as such in the system. Employees with full signature permission (board of management, managing director) get the key 'WITHOUT PREFIX'.
The signature accessory from the field 'Signature prefix' automatically fills the value 'Signature' according to the following logic: [Signature prefix] [Acad. title] [First name][Last name]