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Using the allocation window in Windows Client

In the allocation table, an allocation is made by moving the dataset to the list Selected / already assigned data and removed by moving within the list Selected / already assigned data.

To move one or more datasets, you must first select them. By clicking on the icon

Assign you move the selected entries into the Selected / already assigned data list and with

Remove into the Assign subordinated data list. Alternatively, this also works with a double click on the selected datasets.

When multiple datasets are to be allocated, it may not be possible to always select all of them with one search. In that case, you will have to proceed step by step. After you have moved the desired data from the first search to the Selected / already assigned data list, conduct the search again and run another selection. You may repeat this process as many times as necessary.

The sorting can be controlled by clicking the column header. For contact person datasets the following sort order applies:

  • 1. last name (ascending order),

  • 2. first name (ascending order),

  • 3. short name (ascending order).

If just a simple sorting is possible, it is proceeded in ascending order according to the last name of the contact person. With a click on the column header you can also have the sorting displayed in descending order.

Finish the procedure with OK. If you want to discard changes, close the assignment window with Cancel.

Up to 10,000 datasets max. can be handled in the allocation table.

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