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Persons, business partners, contact persons and employees can be linked with each other. These links within an Entity to person and role are called relations.

For all other entities relations are named descriptions.

Examples of relations


Company link

Company link

Headquarters, sleeping accommodation (hotel), cooperation partner

Contact person

Superior, representative


Superior, representative

Creating a relation

You create a relation by opening one dataset in the main window, and allocating the other dataset through the tree (folder Relations) or the sub area (Entity Relations).

The creation of a relation is described step by step in the following business partner relation example:

  1. Open one of the two business partners in the main window Business partner.

  2. Switch to Relations in the sub area.

  3. Click the button


  4. In the search window, select the other business partner and click Apply.

  5. Select a relation type and click OK. The selected dataset is shown in the allocation window in the list Selected / already assigned data.

  6. To allocate additional business partners, use one of the following two steps:

    • Selecting one or more business partners from the link dependent datalist
      The Link dependent data list contains datasets that were selected during the previous search.

      1. Mark the dataset or datasets in the column Link dependent data you want to assign.

      2. Click the button

    • Search for one or more business partners
      If the desired dataset(s) are not contained in the Link dependent data list, carry out a further search.

      1. Click on the Search button in the merger.

      2. Select the business partner from the search window and click Apply.

      3. Select a relational type an click OK.

  7. Close the Allocation window with OK.

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