The CURSOR-CRM offers the possibility to export the datasets in CSV format (MS Excel). Two technical solutions are at your disposal that depend on the amount of datasets to be exported:
The client-side export, with less than 10,000 datasets to be exported
The server-side export with more than 10,000 datasets to be exported
The output of more than 10,000 datasets is restricted by the capacity limitation of the client and is thus only available as server solution.
For the server-side export, two modules are required: Mass data server and single letter server, which must be enabled.
Client-side export (<10,000 datasets)
The option Excel-export within the Reports menu offers the possibility to use an individual search to export almost any data from CURSOR-CRM to Excel. The special searches which are available for users are provided by the administration. In particular, selected documents are also exported and automatically linked with the generated Excel document.
You can, for example, export data to Excel in preparation for a business trip of several days’ duration without remote access. This allows you to export the necessary information to your local hard drive and view it "offline".
First you have to define the directory for the Excel export. You can enter this in the Options / User configurations /Integration field.
Changes to exported data will not be transferred back to the system.
How to export data to Excel:
Click the menu item Evaluations /Excel export. A selection menu of available searches appears.
The selected search will be shown in the search dialog. You can now enter search criteria to limit the search result.
The number of data to be exported affect the time duration of the export. Excel-export is not adequate for mass data.
Click on Search and edit. The selection result is displayed in a selection dialog for post-processing. Assign datasets that should be exported.
Click OK. Now it is possible to select the export directory. The directory you have set in the User Preferences will be displayed.
Click Open. The data are copied into the local directory.
The created Excel document won’t be stored directly in the selected directory: The name has the following structure: YYYYYMMDD_n (for example, 20050224_1). This helps you to identify several exports made on the same day.
The structure of the Excel sheet is based on the executed complex search. It consists of one overview-page and many detail worksheets. The first worksheet consists of the result of the main sheet and provides an overall picture to all exported data. The detail-sheets provide additional information to the datasets from the main search and links to pdfs, Word- or other documents.
Server-side export (>10,000 datasets)
The server-side export solves the problem of client-side dataset limitations. Another advantage is that users can adapt the search on runtime individually and thus can control the amount of output data this way.
This is how you export mass data to Excel:
Select an entity in the navigation area. A search dialog for the standard search is opened.
Select a search from the search management by clicking on
and adjust them if necessary.
With a click on Execute search to start the search. If the search retrieves several thousands of search results, you will only see the first 250 datasets in the search dialog.
Click on the icon Determine data volume to display the actual number of datasets.
If you want to export the datasets directly to Excel, click on
Data export. Data is sent to mass data server for further processing.
If the Excel file was generated, you will be informed in the quick start bar by the icon
Completed system jobs.
Switch to the Completed system jobs level and open or download the generated Excel file.
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