In order to avoid having to re-enter all data of an activity, you can simply copy (duplicate) an existing activity and quickly change the required fields only.
By clicking on this button, you can trigger two different copy actions:
Click on , if you want to trigger a default action for the documents (copy and assign activity)
Click the drop-down menu button , if you do not want to trigger a default action for the documents.
When copying an activity, the following actions with documents are possible:
new activity adopts the document assignments (menu item: Adopt document assignments)
new activity is copied without document assignment (menu item: Without document assignments)
Documents are copied and the new activity creates document assignments to the copied documents (menu item: Copy documents)
The copied activity is opened in a separate tab and can be edited. The addition [Copy] is added to the subject. If you are finished editing the copied activity, click the button Save.
Default action for the documents depends on whether there are documents for the activity.
Look at the Show documents button. If the button is active , documents are available for this activity. If the button is disabled , no documents were created for the activity.
Logic of the default actions for documents:
If a document exists for the activity, the activity is copied and adopts the document assignments (corresponds to the menu item: Adopt document assignments)
If no document is available for the activity, the activity is copied without document assignments (corresponds to the menu item: Without document assignments)
You can only copy documents directly from the drop down menu . Note that in this case, documents are also copied ('duplicated').
Activities without documents can logically be copied without document assignments.
Activities with documents can be copied either with or without document assignments.
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