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Links in Windows Client

You can use a link to a dataset in a third party system. When the link is opened, the dataset is opened in the respective main window.

A dataset in CURSOR-CRM can be opened in other applications through a link. This could be, for example, a note to a project, which you want to e-mail a colleague.

  1. In CURSOR-CRM, open the dataset in the main window.

  2. Select Edit / Copy as link. The dataset information is copied to the clipboard.

  3. Paste the clipboard contents to the other application with CTRL+V .

If, however, the editor does not support HTML (e.g. notepad), the link is displayed as simple text.



In the context menu of Favorites and Searches in myCRM there is also the entry Copy as Link, so that these can be easily copied to the clipboard.

Sending link internally

With the function Mail as link (menu Edit) an e-mail is generated in the groupware system. The e-mail contains a link to the dataset shown in the main window. The result is the same as with Copy as link. You omit the two manual steps: Create the email and insert the link.

No activity is created to the e-mail.

Opening a link in a third party system

This is how you open a link in a third party system:

  1. Start CURSOR-CRM.

  2. In the third party system, click on the link.

  3. The linked dataset is displayed in the main window of CURSOR-CRM.

Send search as link via email

Searches saved in the system can be sent as a link directly via the corresponding icon

from the search mask or a button in the search management.
The behavior is similar to sending a search as a link from the myCRM area: A new email will open containing the link to the search.

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