In myCRM (also called myEVI, myTINA or myHelVIS) you can save and manage essential invocations to certain datasets relevant to your work, reports and (quick) searches and manage them. Certain function calls can be automatically initiated (autostart) after logging into the system.
The name of the sector myCRM can be freely configured. Usually the product name is used (myCRM, myEVI, myHelVIS, myTINA). However, system-wide your administrator can select another name.
For structuring, you can create folders as you wish and save your different invocations. With you can move upwards in the folder structure, with forwards step by step and with back. brings you to the very top of the folder structure. You can edit the layout (symbols, tiles, lists) as you wish with .
myCRM area
The type of shortcut can be determined by its symbol:
a report
Spyglass for a search
No additional symbol for a dataset
In myCRM, you can only initiate to open datasets, reports, and searches and create new datasets. Other than that, the functionality (e.g. delete and rename in the context menu of an invocation) have no effect to the content of a dataset and its linking. These are solely related to the management of the invocations in myCRM.
Create a folder
Sort and group the invocations systematically with folders. In a folder you can create more folders and any kind of invocation.
Click the button . Assign a name to the folder with the dialog window following.
Confirm with OK.
Create bookmark for a dataset
Principally, you can create a bookmark via Drag and Drop .
The dataset must be displayed in the detail view.
Position the mouse at the title bar of the detail view and drag with pushed-down left mouse button to the desired position in myCRM.
Once you let go of the mouse button the dataset is inserted as bookmark.
Create bookmark for an entity search window
You copy the invocation for a search window of an entity via Drag and Drop to myCRM. From the menu File you can also drag it onto the opened flap myCRM.
Create bookmark for report
For a report copy the invocation via Drag and Drop from the menu Reports to myCRM.
Create bookmark for a search
If you have opened a search in the list view, you can copy it via Drag and Drop to myCRM. To do so, drag the entity symbol of the search onto the desired position in myCRM.
When you have loaded a quicks earch in the search window, select in the menu the symbol to deposit the search with a desired name in the myCRM sector; or use the symbol to update the modified search parameters in the already deposited search. Alternatively, create an invocation in the search management for the marked search in myCURSOR-CRM using the button Deposit in myCRM.
Create invocation for a workflow
Activate the tab Workflows via Options/ User preferences /myCRM.
From the tab Workflows (navigation area) copy the invocation for a workflow to myCRM via Drag and Drop. Simply drag the invocation onto the flap myCRM.
The search is inserted into the currently opened myCRM-directory. This is why you should enter the desired area before copying. If, however, the search has been deposited at the wrong position in myCRM, you can mark there one or several searches to be shifted. After that, click the marked search with the right mouse button and then select the entry Cut from the context menu (alternatively: Key combinationCTRL+X). Then you change into the desired folder and again insert the contents through the right mouse button and the context menu entry Insert (alternatively: key combination CTRL+V).
Create autostart
Create a folder with the name Autostart in myCRM and enter the desired bookmarks.
You can create the folder Autostart and more sub-folders wherever you like in myCRM. You cannot create several 'Autostart'-folders. The order of the bookmarks in the folder Autostart is not taken into consideration.
Create smartphone folder
In your myCRM-section you can define an arbitrary folder whose content is adopted by the CURSOR-CRM app.
How to create the smartphone folder:
Move the mouse to a folder of your choice.
Right-click with the mouse. The context menu opens.
Select Smartphone client folder from the context menu. The Smartphone folder is activated.
All bookmarks in this folder are automatically listed once logged into the CURSOR-CRM app.
In order to deactivate the folder, repeat the steps and click the faded-out symbol Smartphone client folder.
You can create one smartphone folder only.
Change folders and bookmarks
The context menu provides various functions to edit an invocation or folder. You can rename, delete, cut and insert bookmarks or folders. Alternatively to the commands in the context menu you can shift invocations and folders by Drag and Drop respectively copy them with CTRL + Drag and Drop. Via Drag and Drop invocations and folders can only be moved respectively copied within a folder into the parent folder (drop on button ) or to the top folder level (drop on button ).
Exporting and importing folders
A folder with its content can be exported from myCRM of a user and imported again in myCRM of another user. So you do not have to create a complex myCRM-folder twice.
Select the folder you want to export with one of the following methods:
Click the folder with the right mouse button and the folder with its complete content is exported.
Open the folder with a click. Then click with the right mouse button onto the free area beside the folders and buttons. The opened/parent folder with its complete content is exported.
If you are in top level and then click with the right mouse button onto the free area beside the folders and buttons. The complete content is exported from myCRM.
From the context menu select Export myCRM.
An export file in XML-format is created. Save the XML-file under an arbitrary name at any position.
To import, change to the position of myCRM where you want to have the new folder inserted.
Click with the right mouse button onto the free area beside the buttons and folders and select Import myCRM.
Select the XML-file and confirm with Open. The folder is imported.
Create new dataset
In the context menu of the corresponding detail view you find the command to create a dataset.
Saving and undoing settings
You can save your favored configuration of myCRM.
Regularly save your myCRM-configuration.
How to save the myCRM-configuration:
After you have made the settings click with the right mouse button onto the free area beside the folders and buttons.
Select SavemyCRM in the context menu.
If you have made a mistake in the order you can go back to the previous settings with UndomyCRM. With that action the current area is overwritten.
Sort entries
To sort entries in myCRM (in alphabetical order) you have two sort-functions.
How to sort your entries:
Click with the right mouse button onto the free area beside the folders and buttons.
In the context menu select
Sort (folders and entries separated), when you want to sort folders and entries separated OR
Sort (folders and entries mixed), when you want to sort folders and entries mixed
System-entries (marked with a small blue key) take priority over user-entries.
Create folder structure using drag and drop
You can also create and manage myCRM entries using drag and drop.
The behavior:
When you drag a dataset (Detail view) to a folder in myCRM, the newly created myCRM entry is created directly in this folder
When a myCRM entry is dragged to a myCRM folder, this entry is moved to the target folder
When you drag a myCRM folder to another myCRM folder, this folder is moved to the target folder
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