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Profile of the user

As a user, you can change your password on the profile page if it is required by the security policy of your organization.

Open the profile page by clicking the Profile icon.

To change your password:

  1. Enter the current password under 'Old password'.

  2. Enter your new password under 'New password'.

  3. Repeat the new password under 'Confirm new password'.

  4. Click


If your administrator has enabled extended password security, you may see a message box explaining why your password has not been changed.



Your new password is in the list of x last used passwords. Please choose another one.

The new password has already been used in the past. Choose another.

The password length must be at least x characters.

Use a password that meets the minimum length.

Your password must contain at least one special character.

Use a password that contains a special character such as !, ", §

Your password must contain at least one number.

Use a password that contains at least one number.

Your password must contain at least one capital letter.

Use a password that contains at least one uppercase letter.

Your password must contain at least one lowercase letter.

Use a password that contains at least one lowercase letter.

Your old password is wrong.

You have entered the current password incorrectly.

The confirmation of your new password failed.

The new and the confirmed password do not match.

A general error has occurred. The password may not be changed.

A general error occurred. Contact your administrator.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.