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Serial emails (Windows Client)


A serial e-mail is an e-mail which is directed at select addressees. Not one email is generated with multiple recipients. Each recipient receives his or her own e-mail. The content of the e-mails is identical. Only the salutations are individual.

The serial e-mail is not created from activities. For documentation purposes and for follow ups on returns you can have activities created.

Creating serial e-mails

This is how you create a serial e-mail:

  1. Select Marketing / Serial e-mail from the menu. The serial e-mail assistant is started.

  2. Step 1 in the wizard. Select a document template for the serial e-mail and click Next..

  3. Step 2 in the wizard. Define the addressees for the serial email. To do this, click

    Edit addressees. Enter the search criteria in the search window and start the search with

    Search and edit. In the Allocation window the selected datasets are shown. You can remove individual datasets from the selected addressees. Close the Allocation window with OK.

Additional recipients can be added with additional searches or from ser-files. This can create duplicates. Perform a check for duplicates after all recipients are defined (Duplicate check: recipients).

A ser-file contains data of recipients for follow-ups or other serial e-mails. After you have compiled the desired group of recipients as described above using one or more searches and ser files, create the ser file with recipients. To create a serial mail you import all data from the ser file with

Load recipients.

Based on different searches ser-files can contain unequally constructed data-sets. These can not be used together in one serial e-mail action.

  1. With Show recipients the allocation window with all selected recipients is opened.
    Once you have collected all addressees proceed with Next.

  2. Step 3 in the wizard. Enter a subject to the serial mail. In the email and in the contacts, this is adopted as a proposal. Click Next.

  3. Step 4 in the wizard. You can add documents as attachments to the serial e-mail. Select the files with the browser. Click Next.

  4. Step 5 in the wizard. If you want to change the contents of the e-mail click on Edit serial mail. This opens the template in the Groupware system. Placeholders, which will be filled with data from CURSOR-CRM are displayed in curly brackets. Changes to the subject, the contents and attachments will be considered. Close the e-mail window.

In the Groupware system you can insert graphics into the e-mail. However, these will not be considered while sending the e-mail.

With serial mail preview the final e-mail is displayed. You are entered as addressee automatically which allows for sending this mail for test purposes. After sending or closing the e-mail the dialog to the serial e-mail will open again.

Changes to the serial mail preview will not be considered.

Proceed with Next.

  1. Step 6 in the wizard. Please select if an activity is to be created to protocol the serial e-mail activities and/or as reminder e.g. for a return. If Collector Activity is set, an activity to the serial email is created, which all addressees are assigned to. Otherwise an activity will be created for each addressee. Click Next resp. OK.

  2. Step 7 in the wizard. (only if logging activity and/or reminder activity was selected) Fill out the fields to the activity. Other employees can be assigned the activity with assign employees. If both activities have been selected, a separate editing window will be opened for each activity. Click Done.

  3. The serial e-mail is now ready to be mailed. Send the e-mail with Send.

Feature "Send serial e-mail"

With the field Send serial e-mail (main window Contact, flap Info), you set whether a contact person principally is to be the addressee of serial e-mails. In serial e-mail actions, you can limit the recipient range to this feature.

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