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Tips and Tricks

Security query of the browser

For security reasons, some web browsers (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) do not permit direct reading or copying of files in the local user directories. If these actions are triggered by scripts (as in the Web Client), this process must be explicitly allowed by the user. It is possible to allow this action permanently in the dialog so that no more queries will occur.

Change font size

To change the size of the font in the Web Client, change the settings of your browser.

This is how the usual browsers use the keyboard or mouse:




Enlarges the font


Downsizes the font


restores normal font size

CTRL+ [roll the mouse wheel backwards]

Downsizes the font

CTRL+ [roll the mouse wheel forward]

Enlarges the font

With these keystrokes, you can modify (scale) not only the size of the font but also the size of the graphics.

Save credentials

Saving credentials on the local computer – for whatever application – always carries risks. Particular care is required in Web solutions. Never store passwords on computers to which other users have administrative access (Internet cafes, friends' computers).

If you would like to save the login data on your own computer and log on with one click, use tested tools.

Clearing the browser cache

If errors occur during the display, log off, close the window and delete the browser cache.


Keystrokes to delete browser cache: CTRL+SHIFT ⇧+R

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.