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Each contract is assigned to a business partner with which the contract is made. A contract can be created from an opportunity, a quote or independently.

Product type dependent data are displayed in a separate window.

Additional features of a contract:

  • When a contract is created from an opportunity, the corresponding business partner is adopted in the contract.

  • You can create Contract items to a contract. These include information about the agreed products and services (amount, price, rebates etc.).
    The contract positions always belong to exactly one contract. Contract positions are made of products saved in CURSOR-CRM.
    The sum of all contract positions equals the Contract value, which is shown in the main mask Contract.

  • When a contract is created from a quote, individual or all quote positions can be adapted to the contract positions (contract items).

  • You can copy a contract and adopt the contract positions (contract items) from the original in part or entirely.

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