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Assigning an existing dataset in Windows client

To allocate an existing dataset in sub area to a dataset, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the icon

    Add dataset
    In the context menu of the selected dataset, click


  2. In the dialog select


  3. With the search select the dataset resp. datasets you want to assign. If a standard search is set up, this step is left out.

  4. With

    Adopt the selected data from the result list of the search are adopted to the allocation window. The dataset marked in the output list is not directly assigned in doing so.

  5. In the allocation window the directly assigned dataset is displayed in the list selected / already assigned data. From the remaining selected data, which are displayed in the list assign dependent data, you can assign more by shifting into the list selected / already assigned data.

  6. If you could not select all required data with the first search, invoke the search again and conduct one more selection.

  7. Complete the allocation with OK.

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