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Contact person information in groupware deadlines

The contact person information are written in the appointment/the task.

  • Template

ContactPersonInformation is filled with the data from the contact person. For a field to be replaced, the AttributeName must be entered (for e.g., ${Salutation.ContactPerson}). The field name must be entered between ${<Field name>}. The template is cached in the client, so after a change, the client must be restarted.

It should be noted that only fields that appear in the lookup search for the contact can be used. Furthermore, the case sensitivity of the document template name is important.

To turn off the feature, the template is opened for editing and then completely deleted. Template management is only used to edit the text. All other fields have no relevance.

  • Replacement

The contact information is written at the end of the deadline/task. All existing AttributeNamesare replaced by the values ​​from the contact person entered in the activity. If there is no value for an AttributeName (because the field does not appear in the lookup search), the variable is also written to the deadline/task. This allows the administrator to determine if the data is being replaced correctly.

  • Automatic pre-selection of contact persons


When creating single letters, the user has always been forced to select a contact person as addressee. As a rule, this procedure makes sense. For simple protocols no contact person is needed generally. The choice is redundant and leads to confusion.


Based on the complex search, it is now automatically recognized whether a pre-selection of the contact person is necessary or not. Decisive for the display of the pre-selection is the use of the input variable PKCOPE. If this is used as an input parameter in the main search, the dialog for pre-selection of the contact appears. All assigned contact persons of the current entity are provided here.



  • Contains the input parameter PK_COPE in the main search as default

  • Based on the entity Activity


  • For all associated templates, the pre-selection of the contact persons is displayed.

  • All contact persons of the current activity are offered for selection.

Complex search STANDARD_QUOTE

  • Does not contain the input parameter PK_COPE in the main search

  • Based on the entity Offer


  • For all associated templates, no pre-selection of the contact persons is displayed.

Complex search STANDARD_QUOTE_COPE (not available - just an example)


  • Contains the input parameter PK_COPE in the main search

  • Based on the entity Quote


  • For all associated templates, the pre-selection of the contact persons is displayed.

  • All contact persons of the current quote are offered for selection.

For the creation of log documents based on activities, a new standard search without input parameter PKCOPEwas therefore provided. Here you can now use the complex search STANDARD_ACTIVITY_INTERNAL.

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