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migration tools

migration tools

Find & replace

Allows you to search and replace texts and file properties for single or multiple documents.
The texts or file properties to be replaced are defined in the replacement file (for details, see Open replacement file).

  • Detail view

If you are in the detail view of a document template, the find and replace will only be performed for this template. The changes are only made in the local file. The user therefore has the option of rechecking the document template before final saving (analogous to previous handling in the detail view - the changes only become persistent when explicitly saved).

  • List view

If, on the other hand, you are in the list view, the search and replace is performed for all selected entries in the list view. Changed document templates are saved automatically. At the end, a detailed summary of the modified document templates appears.

Open replacement file

The text replacement file contains the definition of the texts to be replaced in the document + the file properties to be updated or new.

Examples for textual find and replace

CURSOR Software GmbH###CURSOR Software AG<br>#<br># Examples for setting document property<br>Includefile#PROPERTY#C:\Textbausteine.doc<br>Gleitkomma#PROPERTY#2.345#VALUETYPE#FLOAT<br>Zahl#PROPERTY#234#VALUETYPE#INTEGER<br>Datum#PROPERTY#01.02.2008#VALUETYPE#DATE<br>Aktiv#PROPERTY#true#BOOLEAN

Procedure for texts to be replaced

A text replacement can be stored per line.


[Suchen Nach]###[Ersetzen durch]


CURSOR Software GmbH###CURSOR Software AG
C:\\Textmarken.doc" Ansprechpartner \* MERGEFORMAT###C:\\Textmarken.doc" Ansprechpartner \* CHARFORMAT

The use of ASCII codes is also possible.


This corresponds to

Ansprechpartner \* MERGEFORMAT###Ansprechpartner \* CHARFORMAT

Procedure for file properties to be replaced or new file properties

  • What are file properties?
    Freely definable variables in a document.
    In Word2003, go to the File menu, click Properties, and then click the Adjust tab.

  • What can file properties in documents be used for?
    e.g. to define the path of the Include file at a central location in the document. For example, access to the file property is as follows.

{INCLUDETEXT {DOCPROPERTY Includepath} Anschrift}

A file property can be stored per line. Syntax for simple text variables





A file property of the type txt with the name text block file and the value C:\Textbaustein.doc is created. If it already exists, its value is only updated. General syntax for variables of different types


Possible values ​​for [PropertyType] are:

  • TEXT



  • DATE


Text block file


(Result corresponds exactly to the example above):


Other notes:

  • To comment out lines, the # character can be used.

  • The path of the text replacement file is stored in the user options in the integration area.

  • When working with multiple text replacement files, this entry must be filled with the currently active text replacement file.

  • If there still is no text replacement file in the user options, a text replacement file will be generated with sample data upon request when opened for the first time. To do this, the user must first specify the file name of the text substitution file.

Import new templates by copy

Enables the mass import of similar document templates in one process step. (Previously, each template had to be imported in several steps.)


1. Create a reference template with a complex search and a full bookmark mapping that meets the requirements of most templates.

2. Store all templates to be imported in a directory. You should also use the final document template names.


File name E_Gas LieferVt_ ab
becomes template name E_Gas LieferVt_ ab 10_2007

File name Gas LieferVt_ ab
becomes template name Gas LieferVt_ ab 10_2007

Template names must be unique. If the name has already been assigned, the template will not be imported.

3. Load the reference template in the detail view.

4. Initialize the menu item Import new templates by copy.

5. Read the information message carefully

6. Selecting the document templates to be imported - Open button

7. Migration summary


All imported templates are in the application and exactly match the standards of the reference template, such as bookmark mapping, complex search, document category, etc. Only name, description and the actual document differ from the reference template. The further working steps of adding SET and REF fields must be carried out as before for each template.

Check templates

As part of the validation, the following conditions are examined:

  • Checking the mapping (search fields still available, validity assignment bookmark type vs. search field)

  • Check link fields (document and activity, if available in template) link fields in search still available

  • Checking availability of complex search

At the end, a detailed log of all checked templates appears, allowing the administrator to see if individual templates need to be processed.


Excerpts from a log


The templates Blanko (example) and BLANKO single letter practice workshop system installation should be checked again.

  • Detail view

If you are in the detail view of a document template, the validity check will only be carried out for this template.

  • List view

If, on the other hand, you are in the list view, the validity check is performed for all highlighted entries in the list view.

If the validity check was completed without errors, the following (example) report appears:

Optimize mapping

At this point, the administrator can optimize the performance of generating single letters, offers and contracts by reducing the number of fields to be transferred to the Word document template.

Empirical values:

A single letter template with 160 fields takes about 20 seconds to complete the document. After minimizing the mapping to 20 fields, only about 4 seconds are needed to complete the document.

Which actions are carried out as part of the optimization?

  • Determine all fields from the mapping that are not used in the document template.

  • Removal of unused fields from the SET area of ​​the Word template.

  • Removal of unused fields from the mapping of the current template.

At the end, a detailed log of all edited templates with details of the removed fields per template appears.

Example (Excerpts from a log)

<<<<<<<<< Angebot Kunden (Post) >>>>>>>>>>
4 fields have been removed.
1. Ort
3. PLZ
<<<<<<<<< Angebot Standard (Beispiel) >>>>>>>>>>      no change

In the template Customer quote (Post) 4 fields have been removed from the mapping because they are not used in the Word document template. Likewise, the 4 fields have been removed from the SET area of ​​the Word template.

  • Detail view

If you are in the detail view of a document template, the optimization of the mapping and the Word template will only be performed for this template. The template will not be saved immediately. This allows the administrator to review the changes again before deciding to save them.

  • List view

On the other hand, if you are in the list view, the optimization of the mapping and the Word template is performed for all highlighted list view entries. The changes to the mappings and Word document templates are saved immediately.

Template names must be unique. If the name has already been assigned, the template will not be imported.

Distribute mapping


Assistance to the administrator when adding new fields in any templates in the field of single letters, offers, contracts or individual document types.


In the case of an essential change to the templates (e.g., an extension of the address by one more field), it has been necessary to manually add one or more new fields in each template. This means in detail - adding the new fields both in the mapping and in the form of SET fields in the document itself. With many templates in the system, this change can take a significant amount of time.


Automated distribution of an extension of the mapping and the SET fields

  • Admin Console - Node Administration document template

  • Creation of a document template containing all field entries to be added. In the following, this template will be referred to as a source template.

  • Make sure that the source template is displayed in the details tab of the admin console.

  • Start distribution via the menu item ‘Distribute Mapping’ in the pull-down menu of the migration button in the toolbar

  • This opens an assistant with three working steps

  • Wizard page 1
    Detailed explanation of the process. It is strongly recommended to back up all templates before proceeding.

  • Wizard page 2
    Select the templates to be added to the fields from the source template.

  • Wizard page 3
    Handling for existing bookmarks. You can decide how to proceed with fields that already exist in the template to be changed.
    ‘Update’ or ‘Do not update'

  • The process of distribution is initiated by the ‘Done’ button in the wizard. After completion, a short summary is displayed and the detailed log file is opened automatically.

  • Result
    After conflict scenario, all templates have been extended or updated by the fields from the source template. This applies both to the mapping and to the SET fields in the document itself.

  • The source template will not be updated as part of this action

  • FORM LETTER, SERIAL, and MAIL templates are not supported. There will be no change to these templates.

  • Problem of deviating complex searches
    This action also supports templates with other complex searches.
    Exclusive condition: The search field from the source template must also be present in the search of the target template. If this is not the case, then the field is not added and recorded in the log file

Change to NATIVE

This option is available when the optional ‘Native Document Generation’ module is enabled.


Support of the administrator when changing to the generation variant ‘NATIVE’ for templates from the field of single letters, offers, contracts or individual document types.
By using the generation variant 'NATIVE', the performance of the document generation can be significantly increased.


See explanations for native document generation.
In particular, the instructions for using the native document generation are to be observed!

What actions are carried out as part of the conversion?

  • Change of field generation variant to ‘NATIVE’.

  • Import of the macro module 'NATIVE' into the Word document template.

At the end, a detailed log of all edited templates appears.

  • Detail view

If you are in the detail view of a document template, the conversion variant is only carried out for this template. The template will not be saved immediately. This allows the administrator to review the changes again before deciding to save them.
The same objective can be achieved by directly changing the value in the ‘generation variant’ field. Here then a request is made whether the macro module is to be imported.

  • List view

If, on the other hand, you are in the list view, the conversion of the generation variant is performed for all selected entries in the list view. The changes (Generation variant field and Word document templates) are saved immediately.

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