Runtime environment
This section lists useful values that are available in the report at runtime. Some come from CURSOR-CRM/EVI, others from Jasper itself.
Parameter/Variable | Content | Identifier | Identifier content |
$P{ReportUser} | Current user: First name Last name (TOKEN) | $R{ReportUser} | Report executed by: |
$P{ReportDeputyUser} | User that the user is currently representing: First name Last name (TOKEN) | $R{ReportDeputyUser} | Deputy: |
$V{PAGE_NUMBER}] | Current page number | $R{Page}, $R{PageSep} | Page or of |
$V{REPORT_COUNT} | Sequential number of the dataset, number of datasets | $R{TotalCount} | Total number |
$V{<Groupname>_COUNT} | Sequential number within the group; number of datasets | $R{Count} | Count |
Other identifiers
While you are editing a report from CURSOR-CRM/EVI in 'iReport', you see the full path to the jrxml file in the title bar. In the same directory you will find the file <Reportname>.properties
, which contains all identifiers ($R{...}), which are available in the report. The following table therefore only gives an overview of selected identifiers.
Identifier | Identifier content |
$R{GrandTotal} | Total amount |
$R{Total} | Total |
$R{TimeLabel} | Time |
$R{DateLabel} | Date |
$R{Day} | Day |
CSV generation in client-side workflows
A report can be included in a workflow as an element. The export format can also be set.
The CSV format is generated with the comma as a separator. However, you can change the separator. For example, to change it to the semicolon, issue the following command to the database:
UPDATE PropertyMapper SET propertyvalue=';' WHERE ID='SYSTEM_NODE:/de/cursor/jevi/common/reports/JasperReportsExportHelper$!!$FIELD_DELIMITER'