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Activity linking

Activities can be linked either to each other or to datasets of other entities.

Linking activities

You can link an activity to one or more activities.

  1. Open one of the two activities in the Main mask


  2. Click
  3. In the dialog select

    Assign or
    New activity.

  4. In the search window, look for the other activity. Mark the activity in the result list and click


  5. In the Allocation browser the activity shows in the Selected / already assigned data in the list. Confirm with OK. The two activities are now linked.

Automatic linking of activities with documents

When subordinate documents are sent, resynchronization takes place, which creates an activity for sending mails. The parent dataset and the document are automatically linked. An activity is also generated that is linked to the parent datasets.

The user is on a subordinate document of a business partner. He/She selects the option "Send as mail" in the drop-down menu. The mail dialog will then be opened. Here the user makes final entries and sends the mail.
Subsequently, a resynchronization takes place at this point, which generates a MAILAUS activity. This is linked to the business partner and the document dataset.

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