Creating an activity
Notes on new creation
You have several options for creating an activity:
Direct new creation via the menu Areas /Activity /New
To a business partner (in the sub area New)
To a contact person (in the sub area New)
In the search dialog (New creation)
With the activity synchronization (mail import)
When creating an activity, the date and time fields are automatically pre-allocated. When you change the starting date / time, the end date and time are automatically conditioned to keep the interval (period).
The period of an activity is edited through the end date / time. When you edit the end time or date, no adjustment is made to the start date or time.
New creating of activities in the Windows Client
Open the Main window Activities, e.g. via the branch Activities in the main window section of the tree.
To create the new dataset, click
The fields Starts on and Ends on are preallocated with the current date, the status with open and the priority to high. With Delegated to and Delegated by the logged-in user is assigned to the activity. If you opened the main window Activities, for example to a contact person, that contact person is automatically assigned to the new activity and displayed in the field Activity with.Enter as many information into the text fields to the activity as possible (especially Mandatory fields).
Save the new dataset by clicking
Save.If needed, assign other datasets to the activity. Through the fields Delegated to, Delegated from, and Activity with, Main request and Main project you can do main allocations.
Special characteristics
When an activity is created or assigned to a contract account, the business partner of the account is also assigned to the activity.
During the new creation of activities there is the possibility to enter the desired location. In addition to the location, an address selection of suggestions from the customer/contact person can be stored, which can then be selected. The addresses that belong to the business partners of the contact persons linked to the activity are proposed.
Among the proposed addresses, those that are linked to the business partner of the contact person stored in "Activities with" are offered. If there is only one address, it is transferred directly.
Alternatively, it is also possible to enter your own addresses manually.
New creating of activities in the Web Client
Click the menu entry Areas / Activity / New. An empty activity is opened in a new tab.
Fill out the fields on the activity mask accordingly. The field 'Type' is a required field and therefore must be filled (the field has a red mark as long as it is not filled). Fields 'Starts on' and 'Ends on' are automatically pre-set with the current date. The field 'Starts on' is also filled with the current time (time of creation). The activity "ends” 15 minutes later by default.
Use the space bar to enter the current date and time in the 'Starts on' and 'Ends on' fields.
Key fields can only be filled by selecting a key from the key table.
To do this, click on the magnifying glass
. The key table is opened.
If you click the magnifying glass icon
next to the desired key, the key is selected and entered in the field on the activity mask.
For date fields, a calendar view can be opened by clicking on the calendar icon. The time must however be adjusted by manual input into the corresponding field.
To save the activity, click the icon
Activities for the business partner
To create a new activity for the business partner:
Open the detail mask
Business partner.
Click the button
New on the Activities tab in the sub area. An empty activity is opened in the detail view.
Fill out the fields on the activity mask accordingly.
To save the activity, click the icon
Clicking on the business partner entry in the path you get back to the detail view of the parent business partner.
If you navigate to the parent business partner without saving the activity, a dialog box appears asking you to save the dataset. Clicking No will cause the newly created activity to be lost.
Creating activities for a contact person
To create a new activity for a contact person:
Open the detail mask
Contact person.
Click the button
New on the Activities tab in the sub area. An empty activity is opened in the detail view.
Fill out the fields on the activity mask accordingly.
To save the activity, click the icon
By clicking on the contact partner entry in the path you will get to the detailed view of the parent contact person.
If you navigate back to the parent contact person without saving the activity, a dialog box appears asking you to save the dataset. Clicking No will cause the newly created activity to be lost.