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Creating a contact person in Web Client

Notes on new creation

You can only create a contact person for an existing business partner. The contact person, who has been created for a business partner role, is also automatically linked to the business partner's related person.

The “person role” model in CURSOR-CRM allows you to enter several contact person roles for one person. These roles can now be displayed directly in the Web Client. This is useful, for example, when entering contact persons in order to identify potential duplicates before creating a new contact person role.

A selection menu is available in the toolbar of the Web Client. Via the option

Show further contact person roles
a table listing the roles becomes visible. With a further click the respective role can be opened in the detail view.

About the option

Show potential doublets
a table listing the doublets becomes visible. With a further click the respective dataset can be opened in the detail view.

Creating a new contact with a new based person

The following explains how to create a new contact person to a business partner. There is no based person to the contact person yet.

Generally, you will first open a business partner and create a new contact person to it.

  1. Open the detail mask

    Business partner.

  2. Click the button

    New on the tab

    Contact person in the sub area. The Quick entry mask is opened.

  3. Enter the date of the contact person. In particular, fill the required fields: Type, Company / Last Name. The doublets check starts during data input.


    Based on the required fields Business partner, Type and Company / Last Name, you can clearly determine whether it is a doublet. The more fields you have filled, the smaller the list of potential doublets. Inactive datasets are searched as well.

  4. If no doublets were found, enter additional data (if required) and save it with a click on

    Save dataset. Key fields can be filled by selecting a key from the key table:

    • To do this, click on the small magnifying glass

      . The key table is opened.

    • If you click on the magnifying glass icon

      next to the desired key, the key is selected and entered in the field on the business partner mask. If the search results too many results, enter criteria in the column filters.

    • By clicking the icon

      the value is automatically transferred to the field to be filled.

  5. If needed, assign other datasets to the business partner.

  6. Clicking on the business partner entry in the path you get back to the detail view of the parent business partner.


If you navigate to the parent business partner without saving the contact person, a dialog box appears asking you to save the dataset. If you click No, the contact person details are lost.

Create a new contact person with an existing related person

In general you will first open the business partner and create the new contact person for it.

  1. Open the detail mask

    Business partner.
    Click the button

    New on the tab

    Contact person in the sub area. The Quick entry mask is opened. Enter the date of the contact person. In particular, fill the required fields: Type, Company / Last Name. The doublets check starts during data input.

  2. If there are known contact persons in the list that are related to the new contact person, select

    Apply values in the action menu. All the data of the recorded contact person is transferred to the Quick entry mask.


    If you have applied the data of an underlying contact person and yet you have determined that it is a completely new contact, click

    New creation with new person to come back to the empty Quick entry mask.

  3. If necessary, enter additional data. Key fields can be filled by selecting a key from the key table.

    • To do this, click on the magnifying glass

      The key table is opened.

    • If you click the magnifying glass icon

      next to the desired key, the key is selected and entered in the field on the activity mask.

  4. To save the contact person, click the icon

    Save dataset in the button bar.

  5. Clicking on the business partner entry in the path you get back to the detail view of the parent business partner.

If you navigate to the parent business partner without saving the contact person, a dialog box appears asking you to save the dataset. Clicking No will cause the newly created contact person to be lost.

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