You create a new business partner via the Web Client if it is a new business relation and this person is not registered in the system.
You do not create a new business partner, but only change the form of the business relation when a prospective customer becomes a customer or a customer becomes an ex-customer.
The field office of a company is not a new person, even if it has an own name and address. If the person does not yet exist in the system, create a new person with the business partner.
Creating a new business partner with a new person
You start the creation of a business partner by default with the assumption that it is a person that is not recorded in the system. A doublets check takes place in parallel to the data input. In the sub area, potential doublets are displayed.
To create a new business partner with a new person:
Click the button Business partner in the Areas menu.
New creation. The Quick entry mask is opened.
Enter the business partner data. In particular, fill the required fields: Company, short name, zip code/city and business relation. The doublets check starts during data input.
Based on the company name, zip code/city and business relation, you can clearly determine whether it is a doublet. The more fields you have filled, the smaller the list of potential doublets. Inactive datasets are searched as well.
If no doublets were found, enter additional data (if required) and save it with a click on Save dataset. If you have filled the Sales field, activities (reminders) are created for the employees entered here, which point to the new business partner. Key fields can be filled by selecting a key from the key table.
To do this, click on the small magnifying glass
The key table is opened.
If you click on the magnifying glass icon
next to the desired key, the key is selected and entered in the field on the business partner mask. If the search results too many results, enter criteria in the column filters.
By clicking the icon
the value is automatically transferred to the field to be filled.
If needed, assign other datasets to the business partner.
A default contact person is created automatically.
Create a new business partner with an existing person
If you have entered the required fields and additional data, you may still see potential duplicates in the sub area. In this case, it is probably only a different form of the business relation and you are supposed to create the business partner with an existing based person.
To create a new business partner with an existing based person:
Click the button Business partner in the Areas menu.
New creation. The Quick entry mask is opened.
Enter the business partner data. In particular, fill the required fields: Company, short name, zip code/city and business relation. The doublets check starts during data input.
If there are known business partners in the list that are related to the new business partner, select Apply values from the action menu.
All data from the entered business partner are taken over in the Quick entry mask, except for the business relation data.
Enter a corresponding business relation.
If you have taken the data from an underlying business partner, and have determined that it is a completely new business partner, click New creation with new person to come back to the empty quick entry mask.
If necessary, enter additional data and save it with a click on Save dataset. If you have filled the Sales field, activities (reminders) are created for the employees entered here, which point to the new business partner. Key fields can be filled by selecting a key from the key table.
To do this, click on the small magnifying glass
. The key table is opened.
If you click on the magnifying glass icon
next to the desired key, the key is selected and entered in the field on the business partner mask. If the search results too many results, enter criteria in the column filters.
By clicking the icon
the value is automatically transferred to the field to be filled.
If needed, assign other datasets to the business partner.
Add a new business partner from the clipboard
In order to create a new business partner within only a few seconds, you can use the data from the clipboard.
How to proceed:
Mark the information to a business partner from an arbitrary source (e.g. website, imprint, documents)
Copy and paste this image into the clipboard (buttons: CTRL+C)
Then, paste the data into the search or Quick entry mask (button:
Pasting from Clipboard). The button is active when data are buffered in the clipboard.
The application automatically identifies the correct information to the corresponding fields are adopts the provided data. You can then drag&drop unidentified into the desired fields.
You can get a real high hit rate during automatic filling when you copy the data from an internet imprint site into the clipboard.
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