With the contact person replication (adjustment) you can enter contact persons in two systems at the same time: in CURSOR-CRM and in MS Outlook.
The adjustment is made in two separate steps in CRM. Two buttons are available in the quick start bar:
Export contact persons
Import contact persons
Menu with buttons for contact person replication
With one click the export-, resp. import wizard starts. In subsequent steps you are prompted to search the contact person to be exported or to complete missing data to the contact persons to be imported.
Afterwards you can enable or withdraw every single contact person for replication through a switch on the contact person mask.
This function is only provided in connection with Microsoft Outlook.
Synchronisation with external equipment is only made from Outlook with the corresponding synchronisation tool delivered by the equipment manufacturer. CURSOR-CRM only provides the data for Outlook and does not directly synchronise with external equipment.
If in the dataset of the contact person or in Outlook a photo exists, it is also experted / imported.
How to export contact persons to Microsoft Outlook
In the menu, select Export contact persons.
With a search you select the contact person whose data you want to transfer to Outlook. Once the search criteria are entered, proceed with Search and edit.
The result of your search is displayed in an assignment table. From the available data sets, select the contact persons that you want to transfer to Outlook. To do so, move the datasets into the list Selected datasets and confirm with Ok.
If the result of your search contains contact persons who have already exported to Outlook in previous contact person replications, they are automatically added to the transfer list on the right-hand side. Each contact person that has already been exported get an ID in Outlook. With this ID the contact is recognised in the allocation dialog as "exported contact person".
Save. The selection dialog starts.
Select an export option and click Export. The contacts are exported.
To abort the process, click Exit.
How to import contacts from Microsoft Outlook to CRM
Contacts exported from your CRM-system into Outlook can not be imported. The relation to the existing contact person in CRM already exists through the ID number and the update is made automatically in CRM. From the view of the CRM-system only these Outlook-contacts having no linked ID-number are relevant for the contact person import. A contact, which has been initially created in Outlook, does not have such an ID-number. Other "known" contact partners are omitted during this import process. If no contacts to be imported have been found, you will be getting an information.
Contacts primarily created in Outlook can be stored in CRM as contact persons. For that it is mandatory that the contact person to be imported is assigned to a business partner. A duplicate check checks during this process whether the new data match with an existing contact person. It is acted on the assumption that name, telephone number and e-mail address provide enough data to detect a duplicate.
This is how you proceed:
In the menu, select Import contact persons
The system has detected the number of contacts you want to import and lists them up. Assignment of the business partner Under certain circumstances, a business partner could already be assigned. If this is not the case, click on the icon 🔎 and search for a business partner for the contact person to be imported.
Once you have found the business partner, assign it to the contact person to be imported by clicking . The duplicate status indicates whether a duplicate to that contact exists.
Criteria for the duplicate check:
Email address Does the e-mail address from the contact match the e-mail address of a contact person from the search result, this contact is detected being an assured duplicate.
Last name and mobile (phone) number Does the last name and the mobile (phone) number match with a contact person from the search result, this contact is detected being an assured duplicate.
Certain Doublet – The contact does already exist in CRM. Possible Doublet – The contact may exist in CRM. No duplicate – The contact does not exist in CRM.
Contacts detected as assured duplicate can not be imported.
Selection If you have decided which contacts should be imported and assigned to business partners, activate the check boxes in the left column.
Click Import contact persons to start the process.
Contacts are imported into the CRM. At the end of the import process, you will be informed about how many datasets could be successfully imported.
Display the imported contacts on the contact person mask
Once you have made the initial replication you can see immediately whether the business partner contact data in the CRM system are replicated with the groupware solution contact data.
Figure: Button for configuring a contact person for the synchronization with Groupware
If the contact person was provided for the synchronization by the initial search, you can recognize this with the symbol Delete the contact person in the Groupware
If the contact person is to be removed from contacts in groupware, click the symbol. The contact is deleted from the groupware and is not replicated with the CRM system any more.
If a contact person is not synchronized with the Groupware, you can recognize this with the symbol Create a contact from the given contact person
If the contact person is to be adopted to contacts in groupware, click the symbol. The contact is adopted by groupware and it is replicated automatically with the CRM system.
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