Unlike other main windows, opening the Activities main window never opens the search window immediately, even if it is set to that. Instead, activities with the following criteria are automatically selected and displayed in the list view of the main window:
where you are entered as Delegated to,
whose Activity status is set to open or imported and
ones that lie in a certain time frame around the current date.
Another distinct feature of the main window Activities is that the quick searches can be opened through a fold-down menu in the upper main window area.
Alternatively, you can quickly access activities via the Quick Search or via a bookmark in the CRM area.
Opening an activity through the default search
This is how you open an activity through the standard search:
Open the main window Activities.
If the desired activity is not shown in the list, open the search with Open search.
Enter the search criteria and click Search.
Please consider that the fields Starts on and Ends on both have the operator “is between” (default on all date fields). So if you want to search an exact date with Starts on, you either have to enter that date in both fields (from-to) or set the operator to is equal (More options>> / Show relational operator).
If the result list is too long, limit it by using the column filter. Mark the desired activity and click Edit.
Opening a search through a quick search
This is how you open an activity through a quick search:
Open the main window Activities.
If the desired activity is not included in the list, click on the desired quick search below the main window header or select it from the menu to the button Open search.
The search results are shown in the list view of the main window.
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