All documents must be checked out before processing and must be returned after processing. This procedure for editing documents is similar to the process when checking out a book in a library. A book is checked out, it can be opened locally (at home) as often as desired and is finally returned by the user. The user decides for himself when he wants to return the book. Only after its return it is available to other users again. This means that while a document is checked out, it cannot be edited by other users. Only read access to the last version of the document is possible. For a document that has been borrowed for editing:
The document is not available to any other user at this time.
The application file is not closed after the logout and can remain open.
After closing the document, changes are not automatically saved in CURSOR-CRM. Saving is only done with the return process. Each time you return a document, a copy is created in the database, regardless of whether you have changed the document.
Alternatively to returning, a document can be released. When releasing, no copy of the document is created and any changes to the document are rejected.
If a document is still open after the return, later changes are no longer stored in CURSOR-CRM. In this case, the document would have to be borrowed again.
A document may be returned in a later CURSOR-CRM session.
If a document dataset is read-only, the document cannot be borrowed or replaced.
If a document is borrowed and another user tries to borrow the document, a notification message is displayed.
If you have borrowed a Word document in doc format for editing, you may not convert it to docx format. Changing the file extension means that the document cannot be returned.
Documents generated in CRM, e.g. single letter, serial letter, etc., are always opened without a warning because they are classified as trustworthy!
Documents imported by the user or interface are always checked for trustworthiness before being opened (read or edited).
To borrow a document for editing:
Open the Documents dataset in the detail view. OR open the parent activity and click the Show document(s) icon. The document repository opens in a new tab.
Click on Open document for editing and confirm the security prompt of your browser with Ok. The document is downloaded and opened. Button Return changed document and Unlock borrowed document (discard changes) will become active.
Edit the document, save the changes, and close the document.
Enter the document with a click on Return changed document. OR discard the changes and release the document by clicking on Unlock borrowed document (discard changes).
If a document has been borrowed and not returned, you are prompted to return the document or to discard the changes before you log out. Borrowed documents are displayed in a list. By clicking the split button (default action) and by double-clicking the list line, the document datasets can be opened in the detail view.
Documents cannot be edited on touch devices.
User query before returning a document with changed file name (Web Client)
If you use the Web Client without an extension and want to return a document, the file name must be identical to the name stored in the CRM. However, this may also not be the case unintentionally if, for example, the browser renamed the file during the download. The reason for this behavior is that it is intended to prevent an accidental overwriting of a document if a mistake is made during file selection. However, it is also not possible to upload a document with a different file name in order to intentionally overwrite the document in the CRM.
When a file is returned, the file name is still checked. If this differs from the file name of the document in the CRM, a query is displayed asking the user whether he still wants to return the file with the "wrong" name:
The name of the uploaded file does not match the file name of the document borrowed in CRM. Available: <Dateiname_CRM> Uploaded: <Dateiname_hochgeladenesDokument> Would you still like to return the document?
Yes: The file with a different file name is uploaded and replaces the document that was previously in the CRM
No: Cancel; The user is back in the document return.
The return for documents with missing permissions
A document that has been borrowed but has since been write-protected (due to revoked rights) can no longer be returned in the CRM system
When attempting to return a document via the toolbar button "Return document", the user receives a corresponding message
The local state of the document can still be opened via the "Edit document" button
If the write protection for a borrowed document is removed by changing the authorization, the document can be edited and returned directly
When leaving the mask or closing the whole application, the user gets the dialog for saving and discarding documents.
Save: If no permission is granted, a message is displayed stating that the document cannot be saved due to missing write permissions.
Discard: Changes to the document are discarded. The document dataset is unlocked.
Borrowing deleted documents
Borrowing deleted documents is not possible because the action icon is grayed out.
Notification messages for borrowed/archived documents
Activities in the Web Client that have a document attached can be sent, regardless of whether the document was borrowed or archived. Thus, documents that do not contain the latest version could be sent by mistake.
Users in the Web Client now receive a warning message with action options when an attempt is made to send borrowed or archived documents as external mail.
Depending on the context,
who has borrowed a document
whether the native messaging host is enabled along with the "Extended File Handling" user setting
whether the document is archived
various notification messages with actions are output.
The document was borrowed by the user himself and the extended file handling is active
The document was borrowed by the user himself and the extended file handling is inactive
The document was borrowed from another user
The document has been archived
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