You can create one or more new documents to an activity, or allocate existing ones. The documents are, for example, attached to e-mails etc.
Even though a single letter is a document and is saved as such in CURSOR-CRM , the creation, allocation and editing are done differently.
Creating a new document to an activity
When creating a new document, it is directly linked to the activity.
The activity is shown in the form view.
In the menu of the (0/0) button, select Import document.
Select the desired file from the browser and move it to the list on the right with the arrow key. Proceed with Next.
Enter a subject and keywords to easily find the document again. Click Done.
Assigning a document to an activity
This is how you assign a document to an activity:
Create a new activity. OR Open an existing activity.
Right click on the folder Documents in the tree beneath the activity. In the context menu, select Assign/Documents.
In the search window look for the desired document. Mark the document in the result list of the search and click Apply.
In the allocation window, the document is shown in the list 'Selected / allocated data'. Confirm with OK. The document is now linked to the activity.
Editing a document to an activity
To edit a document, you have to borrow it. For the changes to take effect, the file has to be returned to CURSOR-CRM after editing.
The following is to be considered when borrowing a document:
Once borrowed, the document is not available to anyone else.
The application file is not closed when exiting the main window, but may stay opened during the entire session.
After closing the document, changes are not automatically saved in CRM. Saving is only done with the return process.
When a document is closed, the user does not have direct access to it anymore, rather, it must be returned and borrowed again.
When a document is still opened when it is returned, later changes are not saved in CURSOR-CRM anymore. It would have to be borrowed again in this case.
A document may be returned in a later CURSOR-CRM session.
Borrowing and editing a document
The activity is shown in the form view.
Click (0,1). In the list that opens, mark the document and click . OR In the menu to the button, select Edit and there the document.
The document is opened. You can now edit it. Save and exit when done.
Return the document as soon as possible to allow other users access to it.
Returning a borrowed document
The activity, from which the document was borrowed, is displayed in the form view.
Click (0,1). In the following list, select the document and click . OR In the menu to the button (0,1), select Edit and there the document (behind the document information you will see the note Return).
When exiting CURSOR-CRM, documents not yet returned are shown in a list. The documents can - not have to - now be returned. To do this, select the lines containing the documents.
Borrowed documents are saved locally and only be returned from the individual computer. When you have borrowed documents from other computers, the respective computer name is shown when starting CURSOR-CRM.
Replacing a document to an activity
The document is deleted in CURSOR-CRM and replaced by a new one.
The activity is shown in the form view.
Click (0,1). In the following list, mark the document and click Replace. OR In the menu to the (0,1) button, select Replace and there the document.
In the browser, select the desired file and using the arrow key, move it to the list on the right. Proceed with Next.
Enter a Subject and Key words to easily find the document again. With Use as you decide, whether the application file is to be saved in CURSOR-CRM as a copy or a link. Click Done.
A document created from a wrong template can now be replaced without returning it first.
Reading a document to an activity
You can open the document with write protection. This prevents macros and field updates, which would change the document, to be executed. In addition, other users can still access the document.
The activity is displayed in the form view.
Click (0,1). In the following list, mark the document and click Read. OR In the menu to the button (0,1), select Read and there the document.
The document is opened in write protection mode.
Creating a local copy
A copy of the application file saved in the CURSOR-CRM database is copied and saved to any folder on the local computer or the network.
The activity is shown in the form view.
Click (0,1). In the following list, mark the document and select Local copy. OR In the menu to the button (0,1), select Local copy and there the document.
Select a location and, if necessary, assign a new file name. Click Save.
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