The single field search is a search with that you can enter several search conditions in a search field, which are then distributed internally to more search fields by pre-defined shortcuts. Complementary, the index of the Juhuuu!-search is used for the selected area if the field search does not provide readouts. Such combination guarantees above-average hits.
The single field search is especially helpful when you are looking for datasets in a specific information area (e.g. business partner).
Figure: Input of search conditions in single field search
The search and the hit list are located in the same dialog.
How to start the single field search:
In the menu, choose file OR a desired information area in myCRM. The search window opens.
Press the keystroke +. The menu with available shortcuts is opened.
Type the desired abbreviation and the corresponding search term.
The shortcuts are automatically completed when writing. Once used shortcut may not be used any more. The shortcut is in bold letters.
Start the search by pressing the ENTER key. OR Click on the icon . The hits are displayed in the list.
For some fields several shortcuts can be deposited. With that you can create the search more intuitive.
You search a company of which you know has several subsidiaries. The syntax could look as follows:
Firma IBM aus Frankfurt
Firma IBM in Frankfurt
Both shortcuts (here: from and in) initiate the allocation of the search term Frankfurt to the field Location.
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