Entry elements
Entry elements are fields in the windows in which you enter data which are then displayed. They differ in their ways of entry and their display.
Entry elements are subject to access permissions. When a field is write-protected, you can neither edit it nor make a new entry. A write-protected field has a grey background. The switch symbols of write-protected lookup fields and date fields are also grayed out.
In lists, the entry can only be edited when the field is in editing mode. If this is not done automatically, switch to editing mode with an additional click.
Entry field
In front of every entry field, there is a caption that describes the data to be entered or the existing data. In some cases, an additional caption behind the entry field supplements the information to that field (like a measuring unit).
In an entry field, any entry is possible. A restriction is only made to the length of the entry and certain conventions. So there are some fields where only numerical values can be entered.
Lookup field
The lookup fields consist of an entry field, a switch for lookup
In a lookup field, key values from a key table are entered. The lookup process is made to that key table. A long text is stored for the key, which describes it.
Pick list
Pick lists are lookup fields in which you cannot only look up an existing value from the table, but also enter a new value. Also, there is no additional field for a long text.
You can recognize pick lists by the icon
Fold-down menu
A fold down menu is an entry field where you have to select an entry from a list. You can recognize it by the
The list is unfolded by clicking on the field. Mark the desired entry by positioning the mouse on it. Select the desired entry by clicking it.
You can also select an entry without opening the list. Set the focus on the list field and enter the first character of the required entry. The first matching entry from the list is adopted right away. With each additional key stroke, the field entry is replaced with the next matching value. The list is not folded down during this process.
Date field
The date field is a special type of lookup field. It has no display field for a long text. You can recognize it by the symbol, which you can use to do a lookup in the calendar window or in the Groupware calendar.
Principally, the calendar window is queried. If the activity is synchronized with your calendar in the Groupware system, the calendar entry from the Groupware system is displayed.
The date is displayed in the format dd.mm.yyyy (d=day, m= month, y=year). It is usually used in combination with a time field.
Entering date
The date can be entered directly. The complete format is dd.mm.yyyy (d=day, m= month, y=year). The days have the values “01” to “31” and the months “01” to “12”. In the year, all numbers can be entered up to four digits (please note the following rules for automatic completion). For a three-digit number it might happen that it cannot always be completed.
The following entries are automatically completed:
Missing zeros in single-digit day and month numbers.
Missing century number. Please note that all year number from „51“ upwards are supplemented with „19“, and up to “50” with “20”.
Day and month, separated by a period, are completed with the current year.
A simple number is completed by the current month and year values, if it is a valid day value of the current month.
All other entries are invalid and are reset to the last entry.
Lookup on calendar
For lookup, click the calendar button or click Open calendar in the context menu.
Set the date in the calendar.
Confirm with OK.
Time field
The time field is a special type of lookup field. It has no display field for a long text. It is usually used in combination with a date field.
The time is entered in the format hh:mm (h=hour, m=minute). The values “0” to “23” are valid for hours, “0” to “59” for minutes.
The following entries are automatically completed:
Missing leading zero in a single-digit time entry. In that case, the colon ( : ) has to be used to separate the hours from the minutes. If you enter the hours with two digits, the colon is automatically set, all you have to do is enter the numbers (e.g. “0730” for “07:30”).
Entry of a one- or two-digit number is interpreted as full hour.
A one-digit minute entry is completed by a zero behind it (“1” becomes “10”).
Memo field
The memo field is an entry field with no restrictions on length or conventions.
The memo field is displayed a lot bigger than other fields and can display multiple lines of text. The caption is above the field.
If a long text cannot be fully displayed, you can move the field contents with the vertical status bar. For a better view and to edit it, the contents of the memo field can be displayed in a memo window. You open the memo window with a double click on the memo field or through the context menu Memoview.
When entering an internet address, it is automatically transformed into a hyperlink. With CTRL+ mouse click you open the Internet site.
Marking field
The marking field is a selection element, which turns an option on or off.
The marking field is a small, square box with labeling on top or underneath. Activated options are marked with a check.
Options field
The options field is a selection element, to which only one option can be activated.
The options field is round with labeling on top or underneath. The current selection is marked with a dot.
At the locations marked with the following symbol, you can insert a picture (e.g. in the main window Contact person)

To insert the image, click into the field or choose Set picture in the context menu. Then select the desired image file (JPG, GIF, PNG) in the browser.
The file size must not be larger than 200 KB.
Delegated field
A delegated field shows in one dataset information about the another dataset. Through the link of both datasets, the information from one is transferred to the other. For example, in roles (business partner, contact person etc.), data of the based person are displayed as news.
Generally, you can edit entries in the delegated fields. Please note to write these changes to the data source of the parent dataset.
Delegated fields can be recognized by the blue triangle in the upper left corner of the field.
Plausibility check
When opening or closing a main window, when exiting a field or when saving, the plausibility check checks whether the entries are conform with the field conventions. If the conventions are not met in one field, this field is marked red. As long as the entry is not conforming to conventions, you cannot exit a field or close the main window.
If you have made an entry to a lookup field or a pick list, it is also checked whether the entry matches a value from the key table.
Change history of fields
Using the context menu (menu item: Change history) of a field, you can call up the change history of a field. The sort order is initially set so that the newest entries appear at the top. In the case of memo fields, the function cannot be accessed by the context menu, because the browser's own menu is used here. Instead, the function is accessed by the memo view, where a button has been added to the toolbar.