A single letter is a document created in Word. The document is created from an activity which holds the necessary information to the single letter and makes it easier to find. Data for the addressee, the author, etc. are transferred from CURSOR-CRM to the Word document.
Single letters are created as documents. They are additionally labeled "single letters". This is due to the special treatment of single letters in CURSOR-CRM. Single letters are created from the CURSOR-CRM server. However, MS Word is still required to run the macros in single letters.
Creating a single letter
This is how you create a single letter:
Create an activity.
Enter a Subject. It is adopted into the single letter.
Enter the addressee in the field Activity with.
Fill the remaining fields as accurate as possible.
Save the activity.
Click the Create document button.
Click on the desired document template.
Only if several contact persons are linked to the activity: Select the addressee/s (contact person/s) in the assignment window and confirm with Accept selection.
You can use the preset subject from the activity or enter a different one for the document.
The subject here applies exclusively to the dataset that is created for the 'Documents’ entity. Changes do not affect the subject of the activity or the subject in the single letter (Word file).
Only if one contact has several addresses or several addressees have been selected: Select the address or addresses in the assignment window and confirm with Accept selection. If you assign several addresses to a single letter, one version of the letter is created to each one.
By clicking on Finish process the Word document is created on the server, and the dataset is opened in a new tab. Links to the activity, business partner and contact person are created automatically.
You can open the single letter read-only or borrow it for editing.
Output format
By default, documents are created using Word templates and saved in Word format. Depending on the configuration of your system, you can output documents in a different format. To do so, in the second step of the wizard, select the desired output format after selecting the template and finish the process by clicking the icon.
The created documents are only available in the selected format.
If the selection of the format is not possible, the UI element is hidden.
Figure: Select output format
Addresses for a single letter
The single letter receives the address from the linked contact person(s). If no address is assigned to the contact, no address can be adopted to the letter.
Only the address(es) of the contact person(s) is /are relevant for creating a single letter. Therefore, at least one contact person has to be assigned to the activity. Addresses of an assigned business partner or of an assigned person are not considered.
If the contact person has several addresses (for example, a street address and a mailbox address), or if several contact persons are linked to the activity, these addresses are offered to you when you create the single letter. If you select multiple addresses, a version of the single letter is created for each. The letter is addressed to the respective addressee.
Editing a single letter
The content of an existing single letter can be edited. The procedure for opening the single letter document is different for the Activities detail mask and the Documents detail mask.
Editing a single letter in the Activity detail mask
Open the Activity details mask and call the activity for which the single letter was created.
Click on the icon Show document(s). The document repository opens in a new tab. In the following list, select the single letter and click Open document for editing.
The single letter is opened in Word. You can now edit it.
Save your changes and close the document.
Enter the document with a click on Return changed document.
Editing a single letter in the Documents detail mask
Open the Document detail mask and open the single letter.
Click on Open document for editing and confirm the security prompt of your browser with Ok.
The single letter is opened in Word. You can now edit it.
Save your changes and close the document.
Enter the document with a click on Return changed document.
Replacing a single letter
Direct replacement of a single letter is not possible. You must execute the process in two steps.
An existing single letter document will be deleted
A new single letter document will be created.
Reading a single letter in the 'Activities’ detail mask
You can open the single letter document read-only. This prevents macros and field updates, which would change the document, to be executed. In addition, other users can still access the document.
The activity is displayed in the form view.
Click Open document for reading and confirm the security prompt of your browser with OK.
The document is downloaded and read-only.
Creating a local copy in the 'Activities’ detail mask
From the application file stored in the CURSOR-CRM database, a copy is saved in a directory on your computer or on the network.
The activity is displayed in the form view.
Click Open document for reading and confirm the security prompt of your browser with OK.
The document is downloaded and read-only.
Select a location and, if necessary, assign a new file name. Click Save.
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