Info tile - Contact person portrait

Desktop tile | |
Entity tile |
The info tile "Contact person portrait" displays summarized detailed information, relevant open datasets and access to these for a contact person. It can be used on a contact person, on the business partner (to display the main contact person) or on any other board (by giving a primary key of a contact person).
New entities can be made directly via a button next to the badge display. The new entities behave in exactly the same way as they would if the new creation was made via the sub area, thus all preselections of fields are also carried out.
The tile comprises in Default the following channels:
Sales opportunities
Tickets (only if a valid module license is available for the respective module)
Show default contact person of the opened business partner | Selected The main contact person of the opened business partner is displayed. Condition: Tile lies on an entity board for the business partner |
Show opened contact person | Selected The opened contact person is displayed. Condition: Tile lies on an entity board for the contact person |
Show contact person by PK | Selected Condition: PK of the contact person is filled out |
Primary key of contact person | The primary key of the contact person to be displayed (only in Show contact person by pk mode) |
Default channels
Show activities | Activated The "Activities" channel is displayed (default). Deactivated The "Activities" channel is hidden. |
Show appointments | Activated The "Appointments" channel is displayed (default). Deactivated The "Appointments" channel is hidden. |
Show Sales opportunities | Activated The "Sales opportunities" channel is displayed (default). Deactivated The "Sales opportunities" channel is hidden. |
Show Quotes | Activated The "Quotes" channel is displayed (default). Deactivated The "Quotes" channel is hidden. |
Show Tickets | Activated The "Tickets" channel is displayed (default). Condition: A valid module license for the customer service module is active. Deactivated The "Tickets" channel is hidden. |
Show Projects | Activated The "Projects" channel is displayed (default). Deactivated The "Projects" channel is hidden. |
Expand activities at startup | Activated The "Activities" channel is expanded at the start of the tile. Deactivated The "Activities" channel is not expanded at startup (default). |
Show appointments at startup | Activated The "Appointments" channel is expanded at the start of the tile. Deactivated The "Appointments" channel is not expanded at startup (default). |
Show sales opportunities at startup | Activated The "Sales opportunities" channel is expanded at the start of the tile. Deactivated The "Sales opportunities" channel is not expanded at startup (default). |
Show quotes at startup | Activated The "Quotes" channel is expanded at the start of the tile. Deactivated The "Quotes" channel is not expanded at startup (default). |
Expand tickets at startup | Activated The "Tickets" channel is expanded at the start of the tile. Deactivated The "Tickets" channel is not expanded at startup (default). |
Show projects at startup | Activated The "Projects" channel is expanded at the start of the tile. Deactivated The "Projects" channel is not expanded at startup (default). |
Activity status | Comma-separated list of keys for restricting the datasets in the channel "Activities". Only activities (from the sub area) are displayed whose Status field (ActStatusKey.Activity) contains one of the keys. |
Request status | Comma-separated list of keys for restricting the datasets in the channel "Sales opportunities". Only requests (from the sub area) are displayed whose Status field (ProjectstatusKey.Opportunity) contains one of the keys. |
Quote Status | Comma-separated list of keys for restricting the datasets in the channel "Quotes". Only quotes (from the sub area) are displayed whose Quote Status field (QuoteStatusKey.Quote) contains one of the keys. |
Ticket status | Comma-separated list of keys for restricting the datasets in the channel "Tickets". Only tickets (from the sub area) are displayed whose Ticket Status field (TicketStatus.Ticket) contains one of the keys. |
Project Status | Comma-separated list of keys for restricting the datasets in the channel "Projects". Only projects (from the sub area) are displayed whose Project Status field (ProjectstatusKey.Project) contains one of the keys. |
Appointment search | Search name for activities that represent open appointments with the contact person. The search must contain a 'Has "contact person"' branch with the condition 'Primary key is equal to placeholder' and no other placeholders. |
Light design | Activated The tile appears in a bright design that ignores the accent color. Deactivated The tile appears in a high-contrast design with headers in the accent color (default). |
Max. items per channel | The maximum number of entries per channel displayed when expanding. If more are found, a Show Allbutton appears, which can be used to open all results in the CRM list view. |
Show linked employees | Activated The employees involved or linked to each tile entry are displayed (default). This can result in performance problems with large amounts of data. Deactivated The employees involved or linked to each tile entry are not displayed. |
Show linked contact persons | Activated The linked contact persons to each tile entry are displayed (default). This can result in performance problems with large amounts of data. Deactivated The linked contact persons to each tile entry are not displayed. |
Activity types
Activity types "Phone" | Comma-separated list of keys for displaying phone calls in the "Activities" channel. If one of the keys for the Status field (ActStatusKey.Activity) applies, a telephone icon appears. |
Activity types “Email” | Comma-separated list of keys for displaying phone calls in the "Activities" channel. If one of the keys for the Status field (ActStatusKey.Activity) applies, an email icon appears. |
Activity types “Task” | Comma-separated list of keys for displaying phone calls in the "Activities" channel. If one of the keys for the Status field (ActStatusKey.Activity) applies, a task icon appears. |
Activity types “Reminder” | Comma-separated list of keys for displaying phone calls in the "Activities" channel. If one of the keys for the Status field (ActStatusKey.Activity) applies, a reminder icon appears. |
Success "bad" threshold | Upper limit for projects with a low probability of success. The value is compared with the value of the Success Prosp. (ChanceSuccessKey.Project) field. |
Success "good" threshold | Lower limit for projects with a high probability of success. The value is compared with the value of the Success Prosp. (ChanceSuccessKey.Project) field. |
Show default contact person of the opened business partner | Not Selected |
Show opened contact person | Selected |
Show contact person by PK | Not Selected |
Primary key of contact person |
Default channels
Show activities | Activated |
Show appointments | Activated |
Show Sales opportunities | Activated |
Show Quotes | Activated |
Show Tickets | Activated |
Show Projects | Activated |
Expand activities at startup | Deactivated |
Show appointments at startup | Deactivated |
Show sales opportunities at startup | Deactivated |
Show quotes at startup | Deactivated |
Expand tickets at startup | Deactivated |
Show projects at startup | Deactivated |
Activity status | O, A, W |
Request status | 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 |
Quote Status | SENT |
Ticket status | OPEN, IN PROGRESS |
Project Status | 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 |
Appointment search | C2IB_ContactPersonDates |
Light design | Deactivated |
Max. items per channel | 3 |
Show linked employees | Activated |
Show linked contact persons | Activated |
Activity types
Activity types "Phone" | TELAUS, TELEIN, TELINT |
Activity types “Email” | MAILEIN, MAILAUS, MAILINT |
Activity types “Task” | AUFGABE, TERMIN, BESPRECHUNG |
Activity types “Reminder” | REMINDER |
Success "bad" threshold | 33 |
Success "good" threshold | 66 |