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Info tile - Open tasks


Desktop tile


Entity tile



This info tile is there to display open tasks.


Name of search

Here the exact name of the previously defined activity search is set.

The default search behind shows activities of the logged-in user of the type “Task” with status “[O] Open / not started yet”. Also the search follows user preference "Time span for activity default search in days".

Show activities


Details to open tasks are displayed. Though "Fields" the user can define, which fields are to be displayed.


Only the number of open tasks is displayed.

Shown fields

Here fields of the entity "Activities" are defined, which are to be displayed upon activation of option "Show activities".

Technical fields are entered separated by comma (e.g. StartDate).

Technical field names are displayed in the dataset by pressing the ctrl-key and mouse-over the corresponding field in the lower frame of the application at the same time.


Name of the search


Show activities


Shown fields


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