You can make a copy of an opportunity. In the copy, all data from the original are adopted, except for Project Manager, Opportunity status, Prospect of Success, Sales Date and Order Date. Only links to the main business partner are adopted automatically. Also, you can select one of the linked quotes, which can be copied with the respective quote position and linked to the new opportunity.
Open the main window Sales opportunity and call up the inquiry you want to copy.
Click Copy.
In the allocation window, select the offer to be linked to the opportunity.
Select the quote positions to be adopted into the copied quote.
Now edit the data to the new opportunity.
Save the new dataset by clicking Save.
If needed, edit the linked offer.
If necessary, assign other datasets to the opportunity, like a contact person for example. The motive and additional information to the new opportunity should be put down in an activity or as note.
It might happen that some fields are not copied depending on administrative settings preventing that action.
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