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Copying a quote


A standard process is available for this task, which permits copying quotes complete with the respective quote items, as well as any requests linked to the quote. Users can therefore save quotes under “Favorites” for later quote creations via copy and paste.

Quotes can also be flagged as price indicators for initial price estimates during the early stages of a business relationship.

The process satisfies the following requirements:

  • Copying of a request including quote and quote items

  • Copying of a quote including request and quote items

  • Flagging quotes as price indicators

  • Default document template for the creation of price indicators from existing quotes

Copying of a request including quote and quote items

Entry point

The process for copying a request can be started in the detail view of a request. The process for copying the request is initiated via the

Copy dataset toolbar button.

Copy process

A user task opens, where the request data can be entered.

  • The quote to be copied must be selected first.

    • Selection via lookup field with filtering by all quotes related to the request

    • Should there not be a quote selected for copying, then only the request where the copy process initiated will be copied

      • Quote-specific fields are not offered for selection in the user task (they are not visible)

Filling the fields in the request copy

  • The mandatory field properties of the fields are the same as on the request mask

The following fields are visible each time the request is copied, i.e. even if only the request will be copied, and not a quote.

Field (internal)



Match Code (Matchcode.Opportunity)

  • Empty

  • Pre-allocation from original request can be overridden

Description (OpName.Opportunity)

  • Empty

  • Pre-allocation from original request can be overridden

Project Manager (ProjectmanagerKey.Opportunity)

  • KeyAccountManager.Customer value of the business partner stored in the DefaultCustomer.Opportunity field

  • Empty, if the field is not populated there

  • Default value from another field can be accessed via override

Business Partner (DefaultCustomer.Opportunity)

  • Value from original request

  • Mandatory field

  • A change to the Business Partner field will also change the field content of Project Manager (empty or PM of the Business Partner entry)

New customer order (NewCustomer.Opportunity)

  • Value new customer from original request

Status (ProjectstatusKey.Opportunity)

  • Use default value

  • Other default value can be accessed via override

Prospect of Success (ChanceSuccessKey.Opportunity)

  • Use default value

  • Other default value can be accessed via override

Sales Date (Salesdate.Opportunity)

  • Empty

Value (Projectvalue.Opportunity)

  • Empty

  • Offered only if no quote was selected for copying

  • Not visible to HelVIS (value is calculated from the sum of TotalPrice.OpportunityItem in the request items)

Costs (Projectcosts.Opportunity)

  • Empty

Marginal Return (MarginalReturn.Opportunity)

  • Empty

  • Offered only if no quote was selected for copying

Filling the fields in the quote copy

  • The mandatory field properties of the fields are the same as in the quote mask

If a quote is selected for copying, the following fields are visible within the copy process in addition to the previously described sales request fields in the detail mask.

Field (internal)



Contact person (DefaultContactPerson.Quote)

  • Value from original quote

  • If DefaultCustomer.Opportunity is filled, only contact persons belonging to the business partner from DefaultCustomer.Opportunity are offered for selection

  • If the business partner of the request is changed, this field is cleared

1. Signatory (Signatory1EmplKey.Quote)

  • Empty

  • Automatically populated with EmployeeSales.Customer of the business partner if he or she has been entered in CustomerPk.Contract

  • The assignment also takes place when changing the business partner in the request

  • Assignments from EmployeeSales.Customer can be deactivated or rewritten to another field via an override in the script library

2. Signatory (Signatory2EmplKey.Quote)

  • Empty

  • Is automatically filled with EmployeeOffice.Customer of the business partner if he or she was entered in DefaultCustomer.Opportunity

  • The assignment also takes place when changing the business partner in the request

  • Assignments from EmployeeOffice.Customer can be deactivated or rewritten to another field via an override in the script library

Campaign Phase (Campaign.Quote)

  • Empty

  • The field is only visible if the MULTICHANNEL module is licensed

Campaign (CampPhase.Quote)

  • Empty

  • The field is only visible if the MULTICHANNEL module is licensed

Status (StatusKey.Quote)

  • Populate with default value

  • Can be changed by the user

Price indication

  • Value from the original quote

  • Visibility of the field can be influenced via an override in the mask (available by default)

Terms of delivery

  • The delivery term is preassigned with the field from the business partner of the parent request (DefaultCustomer.Opportunity)

Terms of payment

  • The terms of payment are preassigned using the field from the business partner of the parent request (DefaultCustomer.Opportunity)

The mandatory field logics of the fields visible and used in the process can be overridden and customized centrally in the script library. The default assignment or value assignment of the fields visible and used in the process can be overridden and individualized centrally in the script library

Select and copy request items

  • If enabled in the system, after entering the request data and continuing the process, the request items associated with the original request are offered for copying

    • No request items at the original quote: Step for selecting the request items is skipped

    • At least one request item on the original quote: User task to select the request items to be copied

      • The user can continue the user task without selecting request items (= no copy of request items)

      • Selected request items are copied and linked to the request copy after the user task is completed

Select and copy quote items

  • If a quote copy is created and quote items exist for the original quote, they will be offered to the user for selection

    • If there are quote items in the original quote that are sub products of a main product, they will not be offered for selection

      • All quote items of the quote to be copied are offered

      • When a main product is transferred, the sub products currently linked to the main product via the sub product assignment (ItemsList) are newly drawn and automatically created as quote items for the quote copy

    • The user has the possibility to skip the selection of the quote items. In this case, only the quote header is copied. No quote items are copied.

    • If any quote items have been copied, the quote value will updated after the copying process is completed

    • The request value is also updated in the request copy

Create copy and complete process

  • The unique request number for the request copy is automatically generated based on the pattern stored for the default value

    • if there is no stored default value and pattern, the field is not filled accordingly

  • When a copy of the quote is created, it is given the quote status of the default value defined in the field properties

  • When creating a quote copy, the unique quote number is automatically generated based on the pattern stored for the default value

  • If created, the quote copy receives the short name of the request copy

    • if there is no stored default value and pattern, the field is not filled accordingly

  • The user is in the created request copy after process completion

    • new layer is opened

  • In the quote copy the field "Closed" (Closed.Quote) is always false

Copying of a quote including request and quote items

Entry point

  • In the detail view of a quote, the process for copying a quote can be started

    • The process of copying the quote is initiated via the Copy dataset toolbar button

  • When copying quotes, it is taken into account that any existing sub product assignments in the quote items are redrawn, as these may have changed since the original quote was created

Filling the fields in the request copy

  • The mandatory field properties of the fields are the same as on the request mask

  • If the quote to be copied does not have a request, these fields are not visible and therefore not mandatory fields

    • No request copy is created in this case

    • If the system setting "Request required for quote" is active and the quote to be copied does not have a request, the users receive a corresponding message in the process that a quote can only be copied with an associated request

      • "The quote to be copied does not have an associated request. Before copying the quote, make sure that a request is assigned. The process is aborted."

  • The user may choose whether the existing request should also be copied. This option is not active by default.

    • The request fields can only be changed if the request is to be copied

      • Entered values for the request copy are kept in the background when the "Copy request" check mark is removed

      • When the check mark is set again, the previously entered values are available again

    • The contact person in the quote is kept in sync with the business partner in the request

  • If the quote to be copied has a request, the following request fields are visible in the copy creation mask:

Field (internal)



Match Code (Matchcode.Opportunity)

Description (OpName.Opportunity)

  • Empty

  • The description is changeable by the users

Project Manager (ProjectmanagerKey.Opportunity)

  • KeyAccountManager.Customer value of the business partner stored in the DefaultCustomer.Opportunity field

  • Empty, if the field is not populated there

  • The pre-allocation from another field can be reached by override

Business Partner (DefaultCustomer.Opportunity)

  • Business partner from the original request

  • Changing the business partner changes the field content in Project Manager (empty or KAM from the new business partner)

New customer (NewCustomer.Opportunity)

  • Value new customer from original sales opportunity

  • Writable

Status (ProjectstatusKey.Opportunity)

  • Use default value

  • Writable

Prospect of Success (ChanceSuccessKey.Opportunity)

  • Use default value

  • Writable

Sales Date (Salesdate.Opportunity)

  • Empty

  • Writable

Filling the fields in the quote copy

  • The mandatory field properties of the fields are the same as in the quote mask

The following fields are visible, regardless of whether a request is created within the copy operation or not. Exceptions are marked in the Notes column

Field (internal)



Contact Person (ContactPersonPK.Quote)

  • Empty

  • If this is visible and filled in DefaultCustomer.Opportunity, only contact persons belonging to the business partner from DefaultCustomer.Opportunity are offered for selection

Reference (Reference.Quote)

  • Empty

  • Pre-allocation from original quote can be achieved by override

  • Only visible if request is not copied

1. Signatory (Signatory1EmplKey.Quote)

  • Empty

  • Is automatically filled with EmployeeSales.Customer of the contact person's business partner if he or she has been entered in ContactPersonPK.Quote

  • Assignments from EmployeeSales.Customer can be deactivated or rewritten to another field via an override in the script library

2. Signatory (Signatory2EmplKey.Quote)

  • Empty

  • Automatically filled with EmployeeOffice.Customer of the contact person, if he or she has been entered in DefaultCustomer.Opportunity

  • Transfer from EmployeeOffice.Customer can be deactivated or rewritten to another field by overriding in the script library

Campaign Phase (Campaign.Quote)

  • Empty

  • The field is only visible if the MULTICHANNEL module is licensed

Campaign (CampPhase.Quote)

  • Empty

  • The field is only visible if the MULTICHANNEL module is licensed

Price indication

  • Value from original quote

  • Visibility of the field can be influenced by overriding the mask (available by default)

Select and copy quote items

  • If quote items exist for the original quote, they will be offered to the user for selection

  • If there are quote items in the original quote that are sub products of a main product, they will not be offered

    • When a main product is transferred, the sub products currently linked to the main product via the sub product assignment (ItemsList) are newly drawn and automatically created as quote items for the quote copy

  • The user has the possibility to skip the selection of the quote items. In this case, only the quote header is copied. No quote items are copied.

  • If any quote items have been copied, the quote value will be updated after the copying process is completed

  • If a request was copied, the request value is also updated in the request copy

Create copy and complete process

  • When a copy of the quote is created, it is given the quote status of the default value defined in the field properties

  • If a copy of an request has been created, the request short name is automatically taken from the subject of the quote after the process has been completed

  • The quote number is automatically generated

  • The opportunity number is automatically generated

  • The user is in the created copy of the quote after the process is completed

    • in a new level

  • In the quote copy the field "Closed" (Closed.Quote) is always false

Copying of contracts including contract items

Entry point

  • In the detail view of a contract the process for copying the contract can be started

    • The process of copying the contract is initiated via the Copy dataset toolbar button

Filling the fields in the contract copy

  • The mandatory field properties of the fields are the same as on the contract mask

  • With process start the user gets into a user task which contains the fields of the contract copy

  • The fields are pre-populated as follows

    • The pre-populating of the contract copy in the user task can be individualized by overriding it in the script library

Field (internal)



Contract Number (ContNo.Contract)


Not visible on the mask, is generated or remains empty

Contract Title (ContTitle.Contract)


Contract Status (ContStatusKey.Contract)

Default value, if available
Otherwise empty

Contract Start Date (ContStartDate.Contract)

Value from original

Contract End Date (ContEndDate.Contract)

Value from original

Rate Type (RatetypeKey.Contract)

Value from original

Product Type (ProducttypeKey.Contract)

Value from original

Required Field

Contract Type (ContTypeKey.Contract)

Value from original

Contract type

Value from original

Business partner (CustomerPk.Contract)

Value from original

Required Field

Sales Employee (SalesEmplKey.Contract)

Is automatically filled with EmployeeSales.Customer of the contact person's business partner if he or she has been entered in CustomerPk.Contract

Assignments from EmployeeSales.Customer can be deactivated or rewritten to another field via an override in the script library

Employee ID (OfficeEmplKey.Contract)

Is automatically filled with EmployeeOffice.Customer of the contact person's business partner if he or she has been entered in CustomerPk.Contract

Assignments from EmployeeOffice.Customer can be deactivated or rewritten to another field via an override in the script library

Contract Value (ContValue.Contract)


Not visible on the mask, is filled from the values of the contract items

Currency Key (CurrencyKey.Contract)

Value from original

Value in Foreign Currency (ContValueFC.Contract)


Not visible on the mask, is filled from the values of the contract items

Discount in % (Discount.Contract)


Not visible on the mask, is filled from the values of the contract items

Terms of Delivery (TermsOfDeliveryKey.Contract)

Value from original

Delivery Category (DeliveryCatKey.Contract)

Value from original

Delivery Status (DeliveryStatusKey.Contract)

Value from original

Old Contract Status (OldContStatusKey.Contract)

Value from original

Grid Operator (CustomerPKGridOperator.Contract)

Value from original

won from (CustomerPkWonFrom.Contract)

Value from original

lost to (CustomerPkLostTo.Contract)

Value from original

Copy contract items

  • After continuing the process, the user is offered the contract items linked to the original contract, if any, for selection

    • If the user does not select any contract items but continues the process step, only the contract copy is created

    • Contract items selected by the user are copied and linked to the contract copy

  • If contract items have been copied, the contract value will be updated after the copy process is completed

Create copy and complete process

  • The contract number for the contract copy, if stored, is automatically generated based on the pattern stored for the default value

    • if there is no stored default value and no pattern, the field is not filled and remains empty in the copy

Marking of quotes as price indication

  • On the quotes there is the flag "Price indication"

  • Quotes can be marked as such via the "Price indication" flag

Default template Price indication

  • By default, a document template is delivered for creating price indication documents from quotes

  • This provides a clear, tabular listing of the quote items included in the quote

    • The document template can be copied or overridden and thus adapted to customer-specific needs and requirements

  • The following information is included in the header data of the template

Fixed text

Variable text



<Kurzname der mit dem Angebot verknüpften Anfrage>

If no request has been linked to the quote, the short name of the quote will be used

Last updated

<Aktuelles Datum>


<Name 1 des Systembetreibers>

This document was prepared based on the discussions held. This is an excerpt from the price list and does not represent a concrete quote.

The displayed text can be customized by configuration/override for the template and thus individualized in the customer system.

  • The representation of the quote items contained in the quote for which the price indication document is generated are presented according to the following scheme

    • Outline levels assigned in the quote or quote items, as well as subtotals, are taken into account in the output in tabular form

Product number


Sales price


<Produktnummer aus Angebotsposition>

<Bezeichnung aus Produkt in Angebotsposition>

<Verkaufspreis aus Angebotsposition>

<Anzahl aus Angebotsposition>

  • Furthermore, the total amount of the quote is shown

  • Following to total amount there is a possibility to use a fixed posttext in the document template.
    This can be maintained in the system and adjusted as needed

  • The document contains a "Price indication" watermark

Process workflow and result

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