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Deleting a dataset in the Windows Client


Deleting sets the dataset-status to inactive. It remains existent within the system, including its entire links.

Deleted (inactive) datasets are displayed optically different, so you can distinguish between active datasets on first view. The displayed text is always grey and crossed out. In the form view, the text is grey and the title line of the main window contains the note “deleted”.

Deleted (inactive) datasets are write-protected. Only the field Datarecord status is editable, so the dataset can be set to active again.

Inactive datasets in the tree are only shown to the level branch, when you have conducted a search. In the following branching, linked, inactive datasets are not shown.

Deleting in form view

This is how you delete dataset in the form view:

  1. The dataset to be deleted must be displayed in the form view.

  2. Click the button Delete.

  3. The dataset is not visible in the main window and tree anymore.

The Delete button refers to the dataset in the main area of the main window and not to the sub area.

Deleting in list view

This is how you delete a dataset in the list view:

  1. In the list view, select the dataset to be deleted.

  2. Click the button Delete.
    Open the context menu to the selected list line and select Delete entries.


    If, for example, you have opened the contact person to an activity, you have to select whether the dataset of the contact person or just simply the link to the activity is to be deleted.

  3. The dataset is not visible in the main window and tree anymore.


The Delete button refers to the dataset marked in the main area, not the sub area.

Deleting datasets in areas




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