A quick search is a saved search, which is run automatically after opening it and displays the results in the main window, without displaying the search input mask.
If quick searches exist to a main window, they are displayed in the tool bar underneath the menu bar in the main window as symbol and can be initiated from that position. Alternatively, you can open the Pull-down menu of the button by clicking on and invoke the search with the option Quick searches.
A quick search is directly executed in the main window. No additional level is opened.
A saved search becomes a quicksearch, when you assign to it the attribute quicksearch in the search management.
The characteristic quick search is user-specific.
By default, CURSOR-CRM comes with the following quick searches:
Own activities (standard search)
Selects all activities of the logged in user with the status “open”. The time span into the future is limited. You can edit it in the user options with default search time span future in days (tab Activities).
Own activities (+/- 21 days)
Selects all activities of the logged in user with status “open” and which are within the time span 21 days before and 21 days after the current date.
Unassigned imported mails
All own activities with the current date and the status "I" (imported) that couldn’t be assigned to a main contact person.
Imported mails
All own activities with the current date and the status "I" (imported). No restrictions on main contact person.
All imported mails
All own activities with the current date and the status "I" (imported). No restrictions to date and main contact person.
Quick searches in the sub area
In the vertical toolbar of the sub area the search button is available. The Pull-down menu of the search-switch displays all quick searches which are available for the current submask.
Click on search button This switches from the sub area to the main mask area. The data from the sub area is displayed in the list view of the main mask area. The search mask then opens automatically.
Selecting a quick search in the search button This switches from the sub area to the main mask area. The quick search is executed and the selected data is displayed in the list view of the main mask area.
Selection a quick search in the search button and -key pressed and held This switches from the sub area to the main mask area. The data from the sub area is displayed in the list view of the main mask area. The search mask then starts automatically with the loaded quick search.
The search contains dependence on the parent entity. Therefore the selection result is restricted.
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