The command field (former system search) is now located to the left in the system toolbar, above the main navigation. It can be accessed through the key combination ++.
The COMMAND field combines various functions:
the system search, a fuzzy search over the complete CRM-system (former functionality)
the execution of commands (hence "COMMAND").
the opening of cached CRM links
the execution of external calls
Figure: The COMMAND field with search results
You can start the system search anytime from the tool bar of the application window. It is opened in its own window, so you can switch back and forth from CURSOR-CRM and the system Search, as often as you like. This makes sense, for example, when you have opened a dataset from the result list and then realize that this is not the correct one. You can then switch back to the search result of the search.
By including entity search results, the user can find certain information in the system even more quickly, because possible results are already indicated during the search input in the COMMAND field. The proposal list also contains the search results of the comprehensive Lucene search.
Up to 10 search results are displayed below the previous search results. The entity is displayed as the leading icon.
The search results can be configured via a system preference (Search results in COMMAND).
The following options (via drop-down list) can be selected:
never show
show for a maximum of 3 search entities
show for a maximum of 6 search entities
show for a maximum of 9 search entities
show for a maximum of 12 search entities (default)
show for a maximum of 30 search entities
always display
If the "never show" option is active, no search results are determined and displayed. If the option "show, at max. 3 search entities" is active, then search results are only determined and displayed if the user does not use more than 3 entities in his default search setting. If the "always show" option is active, the search results are always determined and displayed.
Doing a COMMAND search
The former functionality of the system-wide search is still provided without limits. Once the search name is entered and confirmed with (without selecting an entry from the provided list) the search is started. The search result found through the personal settings (period specified, areas, etc.) is opened. If you only want to scan specific data ranges you can mark them in the dropdown list; the selection of entities is reset again after the search. Alternatively, you can also prefix the search term with the shortcut of the relevant data areas, e.g. Act: Holidays to restrict the search to activities.
The COMMAND field is equipped with a proposal list. This proposal list offers commands that can be implemented right from the field. The possible commands result from the quantity of all myCRM-entries from the areas (entities) in the menu File, from the available processes and the searches and quicksearches. With that, all entries from the main navigation area and additionally the currently visible entries of the action box for direct invocation in the COMMAND field are provided.
The corresponding entity icon is prepent to the entries in the proposal list. That way the user can see to which data area the respective command leads. At the end another icon is displayed. This one indicates which area (myCRM, search, processes, entity menu, etc.) the list entry comes from. The proposal list is limited to 10 entries, ordered by relevance. Extending the search word the hits can be more limited. If more than ten entries exist, the proposal list shows another "x more entries". Within the hits the entries are sorted according to areas in order to make them easier to find. Duplicates are eliminated from the hit list, e.g. if a bookmark of a dataset exists in myCRM more than once, only one entry of the hit list is displayed. The decision whether a search result is a duplicate, also takes into account if several search criteria are deposited as bookmarks.
Within the hit list you can start the entry by clicking on it. You also have the possibility to select the entry with the arrow keys and with to start. The proposal list can be closed by clicking or by clicking outside the field.
If the display name matches the entry of the search word, this entry is pre-selected. If only one entry exists in the proposal list it is also pre-selected. The datasets found are listed as link. The link invokes the dataset in CURSOR-CRM. Underneath the link are information from the dataset where the keyword of the search appears.
You can detect the selection of information areas by the symbol in the search field. You can limit the information area when you exactly know which information you are looking for.
The bookmark icon symbolizes your favourite invocations (bookmarks) in the myCRM section.
The binoculars symbolize your quicksearches.
The magnifying glass symbolizes results of the system-wide Lucene search
The yellow star on the sections symbolize your "favorite information areas" you have configured and saved in extended settings for the system search. The search is now conducted on these sections.
This symbol is displayed once you have selected more than one sector in the selection menu. Your favourite settings do not apply any more in this case. The search only takes the selected sectors into consideration.
individual information sectors
Once you have only selected one information sector, the symbol of the corresponding sector appears. The search only takes this individual sector into consideration.
If users restrict a search in the COMMAND field to single entities, the respective search of the entity is opened and the search condition from the COMMAND field are executed by the single field search.
Restriction: The above mentioned is only valid if the default search of the user of the respective entity is a single field search. If this is not the case, the system will react like at present (a system search is executed).
Alternatively you can determine the information sectors for the search through keyboard entry. Each information sector is defined with a shortcut. The shortcuts are pre-set by your administrator depending on the application language. Default shortcuts are:
CP (=contact person)
BP (=business partner)
DOC (=documents)
PRJ (=projects)
You can determine several sectors at the same time.
Example for the syntax:
DOK, GP: cursor protokoll
In that case the sectors documents and business partner are browsed. The colon behind the last shortcut means beginning of the search query.
If you click on the pull-down menu all available shortcuts to the respective information areas are displayed.
Figure: Search shortcut as tooltip
The configuration of search shortcuts can be set by the administrator in the admin console (Edit entity configuration).
Transfer results set to list
In the search mask you can open each search entry in a new level. This is done by clicking on the search result entry. Additionally it is now possible to load more search result entries of one information sector (activities, documents etc.) in a new level.
Loading data via context menu in search result entry
Right-clicking on a search result entry opens a context menu with the option of loading several entries of this entity from the search results set directly into a new level. For default this is limited to 100.
Loading data via new level button
Beside the selection field for sectors the switch New level is located. This button allows to load the search result in a new level.
With one click on this button you can load a recommended number of search result entries in a new level. In case you want to load even more search result entries in the new level, use the context menu.
The standard action of the button always corresponds to the first entry in the context menu.
The button becomes active once an entity has been selected in the selection box.
The maximal search result for a new level corresponds to the maximal size of the search result of the search. The maximal size of the search result is configured in the administration console.
Extended search
Search queries
Basics and conventions
Searching in CURSOR-CRM is very simple. With a few tips and tricks you can optimally use the possibilities of the search. You need no extra programming knowledge. Simply enter one or more words over the user interface and the application takes care of the correct composition of the search parameters and provides the desired hit list. Nevertheless, it can be helpful to get to know some terms and practical examples.
In this document we use the pipe character | to indicate search queries.
| Müller | indicates a search query while | Müller | and | Klaus | stands for two different search queries.
Quotation marks are not suitable to indicate search queries as they can also be part of the search.
A search query consists of
expressions and
There are two types of expressions:
a single expression is a word like for example | Müller |
a phrase is group of single expressions restricted by inverted commas like for example | "Müller Klaus" |
For complex search queries you can combine several expressions with operators.
In the system search the following operators are used:
Boolean operators have to be indicated in capital letters.
For advanced users we recommend the excursion to the operators in the system search.
In order to query more complex interrelations it is possible to create sub queries by grouping the query conditions with round brackets. That way the boolean logic can be controlled better.
Example from practice:
A search query | (Müller OR Weber) AND protocol | provides datasets containing the expressions Müller or Weber (or both) and additionally the expression protocol.
Wildcard character
The system search supports the wildcard search for one or more characters.
The symbol ? represents the wildcard for one character
The symbol * represents the wildcard for several characters
The wildcard for several characters replaces 0 or arbitrary characters.
Examples from practice:
| te?t | provides test or text
| te*t | provides test, temat, text ...
| test* | provides test, tests, test person, test result ...
A wildcard may never be used as first character in a search query.
Escape sequences for special characters
The system search supports escape sequences to indicate special characters being part of the search query.
List of existing special characters: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \
To create an escape sequence for one of these special characters a backslash \ is prepend.
Following that way, the expression Berger + Braun is formulated as follows:
| Berger \+ Braun |
The Juhuuu!-search does not differentiate diacritical characters (thus no German umlaut). The search tries to trace a word back to its root. That way when searching | Kühn | also Kuhn is found, for example.
Capital letters
The system search does not differentiate capitalization.
Example from practice:
A search query | Müller | equals | müller |.
Stop words
Stop words are simple expletives without advantage for big data, which is why they are excluded to keep the index low.
Omit the words listed below completely in your search queries. The search engine is not looking for them anyway.
Stop words for the German language
Stop words list (currently only German stop words are considered):
Stop words list (currently only German stop words are considered):
Currently customers do not generate indices in English language.
Search readout
The readout weighs the "hits". The weighting is constant for every search. If, however, the search results are parted into sectors, the same weighting may provide other search readouts. That explains the >= character beside the symbol for sectors.
Example from practice:
Figure: Search result of complete data pool
Search readout always provides you the top 100 hits. At constant weighing for all sectors it can happen that only 93 hits have made it to the top 100. If you restrict the search to documents only, the first 100 make the run to the top 100.
Figure: Search result top 100 documents
Input field vs. extended search
Mostly you find what you are looking for with a simple search query (expression or phrase you are looking for). Because of that you are provided an input field for the search – just like in other common fulltext searches (e.g. Google or Bing).
Even if you only enter a simple expression into your input field and execute the search, the settings from extended search apply for the search. Initially, they are set by the system or by your administrator. Click the symbol and then on the Advanced search tab. In the dialog window you can see the standard settings defined for you. You have the option to adapt the settings to your personal preferences and save them for good. You configuration has priority to the settings of the administrator.
Above that you can make your search queries more complex in the extended dialog.
The separate search window behaves just like the input field on the toolbar.
Figure: System search in separate window
Standard settings of the input field:
Special characters ! " $ & / ( = ~ ? * are interpreted as text characters
Multiple expressions are linked with the operator AND when no operator is defined (corresponds the setting 'with all words' in the Extended settings)
Operators OR and NOT are interpreted
Search for phrases (syntax: | "this is a phrase" | ) is not possible - inverted commas " are ignored
Grouping of expressions is not possible - bracket characters () are ignored
Wildcard search defined as search type
Option Wildcard character is activated (wildcard character are "escaped" / not taken into consideration for the search)
If you want to conduct a search query with wildcard characters / special characters (e.g. + or &) as operators, you shall use the extended search and allow interpretation of special characters (checkbox Deactivate wildcard character). If the special character is part of a searched string (e.g. business partner Berger + Bräuer), you can do without the special character as they are ignored and do not affect the search readout.
Dialog window
In the dialog window you find the following sectors :
Search type
Search parameters
Figure: Extended system search
Operators and expressions
The operators are not visible on the dialog mask once you have entered the expressions. The meaning of the operators is easy to understand with the description. They are automatically added when conducting the search.
Finding readouts
... with all words
Search for datasets that are to contain all keywords.
Search query
implicite search query with operators
| all1 all2 |
| all1 AND all2 |
... with any of the words
Search for datasets containing at least one of the keywords.
Search query
implicite search query with operators
| any of these words |
| (any OR of OR these OR words) |
... with exact word order
Search for datasets containing the keywords (the phrase) in the exact given form and context.
Search query
implicite search query with operators
| exact order |
| "exact order" |
... with none of the words
Search for datasets in which none of the keywords may be present.
Search query
Search query with operators
| none1 |
| NOT none1 |
Switching to the flap Search, the following search query is created
alle1 alle2 (irgend OR eines OR dieser OR Worte) NOT kein1 "genaue Reihenfolge"
Clicking thesymbol on the Advanced search tab directly implements the prepared search query.
The conversion works correctly just in one direction. Entries on the tab Search (or in the input field) are always written into the field 'Find results with all words'. Consequence of that is that changes to this tab are not distributed on the tab Extended search.
Another consequence is that search queries formulated that way are interpreted differently.
alle1 alle2 (irgend OR eines OR dieser OR Worte) NOT kein1 "genaue Reihenfolge"
alle1 alle2 irgend OR eines OR dieser OR Worte NOT kein1 genaue Reihenfolge
because ( and " is ignored).
Nur für erfahrene Benutzer
Nonetheless it is possible to enter other operators into the expression fields. These are also interpreted correctly. Grouping, however, is not supported as brackets () are ignored. The user has to see for himself / herself to have the syntax correctly.
Example: If in the field 'with all words' the operator OR is entered, the following search query is generated:
alle1 OR alle2 (irgend OR eines OR dieser OR Worte) NOT kein1 "genaue Reihenfolge"
Search type
When selecting the search type you determine the exactness of search readouts and expressions searched. The more incoherent the words the more search readouts (mostly). The term "fuzziness" is used in this case.
Due to technical reasons the system search always provides more fuzzy readouts (see for example interpretation of umlauts - section Languages). A search request | Kühn | would provide Kühn and Kuhn. Result would be the same if the search query were formulated | Kuhn |.
Define search type
Exact search
Once this parameter is activated, only almost exactly matching readouts are provided for the search.
Select this option when you have precise information. In that case you always get unerring results.
| Kühn | provides Kühn and Kuhn
| Kuhn | provides Kühn and Kuhn
Wildcard search
The keywords are completed by wildcards * and ?.
If you replace for a query a single character by the wildcard ? the search looks for terms identical to the search term except the wildcard.
If you replace for a query several characters by the wildcard * the search looks for terms identical to the search terms except the wildcard.
Select the option when you have no exact information and when you want to complete expressions with wildcards. In that case you are provided a lot more readouts you can limit by more restrictions.
| K?hn | provides Kühn, Kuhn, Kohn, Köhn ...
| Kuhn* | provides Kühn, Kuhn, Kühne, Kühnast ...
Fuzzy search
It is also searched for datasets with similar keywords.
Select this option when you only have little information. You find expressions written similar to the expression you are searching. Use the fuzzy search to "approach" the search readout.
| Kühn | provides Kühn,Kuhn ... but also Hahn, Hühner, kühl ...
Other search parameters
If you conduct similar searches more often, you can also define your settings for searches.
Save settings Below the search entry you can save the parameters by clicking once you have configured the desired parameters and selected the entities.
If you have not edited the parameters under Extended search and you have just entered search terms, the previously saved parameters apply.
Reset settings With you can reset your saved settings in case you have "mis-configured".
Wildcard character
Activates resp. deactivates the possible use of wildcard characters in the search.
The field 'Allow wildcard character search' is activated upon opening the dialog window. This setting is not saved (exception!). This setting affects the entries in the 'Advanced search' tab. If the search is started from that tab, the wildcard characters ? and * "escaped" are considered so that you can explicitly search for them. When deactivated, the wildcard characters function as spaceholder for the search.
Inactive sets
It is also searched in inactive (deleted) datasets.
It is searched in activated entities.
Clicking selects all entities
Clicking deselects all entities
System search on default search mask
With placing the system search on the default search mask of an entity (of a sector), de facto one configuration step has been made: the search readouts exceptionally refer to the fields of this entity (this sector). This corresponds to the configuration in the Extended search, as if you had just selected this entity.
Due to the lack of space, however, it might happen that relational operators are hidden. In that case you should check which standard search type has been configured for you. To do so, click in the sub range of the search mask the button More Options >> and activate the checkbox Show relational operators.
Figure: Display the search type in the system search on the default search mask
Compared to the input field on the toolbar there are several special characteristics in the Juhuuu!-search on the search mask.
For default, the wildcard search is pre-configured to allow some fuzziness for the readouts. (Note: Fuzzy Search) If the wildcard search has been selected, you anyhow should not use wildcard characters. The search has been pre-configured to skip ("escape") them. Example from practice: a search query | gmbh | provides among others Gebrüder Breitung GmbH and Anton Schneidermeister GmbH & Co. The wildcard characters in the search query | *gmbh* | are unnecessary.
If the wildcard search has been selected and if more information exist, you should search for the exact word order by marking phrases with inverted commas. The search query | "berger braun" | makes the wildcard search an almost exact search and provides the correct hit/s containing Berger and Braun.
Other special characters like + or & are not needed in search queries and are also "escaped". Search query | "berger + braun" | equals | "berger braun" |
For operators (AND OR NOT + -) and other special characters syntax rules apply. In case of a syntax error, a message is displayed.
It often happens that it is searched for a business partner containing special characters. E.g. Berger + Braun GmbH. It also happens that one does not know the precise name, but remembers special characters. To be sure to get a hit, the search query is formulated as follows: | berger + |. Syntactically, this is wrong as + expects a condition mandatory (like | berger +CONDITION |)
With the system search you have a powerful and modern tool to quickly browse huge data stock.
You need no knowledge of the search syntax. More complex search queries are collected through graphical user interface.
The fuzziness is desired and – like in other full text searches – can be seen as advantage as when searching you act on the assumption to search something without having precise information to the object/subject searched for.
Search readouts always have a certain fuzziness, so they can deviate some from the user's expectations.
Despite the fuzziness the readouts are sorted according to weighting. Applicable search readouts are listed at the top.
Depending of your search profile you can minimize the fuzziness by selecting Precise search as type and save that as standard.
Through the Extended search you can adapt the fuzziness directly before implementing the search query.
Experienced users can create complex search queries themselves on the tab Extended search in one line.
Tips and tricks from practice
How to search correctly?
Follow these tips:
Do not expect to find one correct dataset. You are searching for | Klaus Müller |? It can be a document where someone writes about Klaus Müller. If, on the other hand, you have details to the topic, use the field search.
Do not expect the search to exactly search the way you have entered it. The search always provides some fuzzy readouts.
Try to use terms in your search query that are expected to exist not so often. You are looking for the business partner Müller + Chabowski? Then just enter | Müller Chabowski Firma | in your search query. The more details, the better. That way you reduce fuzziness when extending the search query. There sure are many Müllers.
Try to avoid special characters umlauts and stop words. One usually does not search for them.
Use the Extended search for complex context you want to search for.
searched is...
a business partner with the name Müller + Chabowski GmbH
Entry field
| Müller + Chabowski GmbH |
Extended search
search with the exact word order | Müller + Chabowski GmbH |
deselect wildcard character
select entity 'Business partner'
Alternatively search in the input field for | müller chabowski gmbh firma |, to limit the fuzziness.
To search the name "just as it is", the search query needs to be defined as phrase. To again be able to generate the search query as phrase, you need to use the corresponding input field.
Capitalization is ignored.
a business partner with a + w Linden in the shortcut
Entry field
| a + w Linden |
Extended search
select precise search
search with the exact word order | a w Linden |
(deselect) wildcard character
see above
a contact person Möller Jochen
Entry field
| Möller Jochen |
Extended search
select precise search | Möller Jochen |
select entity 'Contact person'
Möller as default also provides Müller, Miller, Miler etc. as search result.
Operators (excursion)
The OR-operator links two expressions or phrases and searches datasets containing one of the two expressions.
This equals the creation of a set union.
Example from practice:
With the search query | Müller OR Klaus | all datasets containing Müller, Klaus or both are found.
The AND-operator is the logical operator used as default. When between two expressions no operator is indicated, the Juhuuu! search uses the AND-operator. The AND-operator uses datasets containing both expressions.
This equals the creation of an intersecting set.
Example from practice:
A search query | Müller Klaus | or | Müller AND Klaus | finds all datasets containing both expressions.
+ (Plus)
The operator + determines that the expression following the operator is to exist in the dataset mandatory.
Between the operator and its following expression you may not insert a space character.
Example from practice:
A search query | Müller +Klaus | finds all datasets mandatory containing Klaus and maybe containing Müller.
Unterschied zum AND-Operator
In the AND-operator the phrase must exist from at least 2 elements | a AND b |, while for the + operator only one is mandatory | a +b|.
The following constellation makes this more precise | -a +b |.
The NOT-operator excludes datasets from the readout containing the expression following directly to the operator.
This equals the creation of a complementary set.
Example from practice:
A search query | Müller NOT Klaus | finds datasets containing Müller but may not include Klaus.
The NOT-operator can only be used for linking several expressions. The search query | NOT Müller | would provide an empty readout.
- (Minus)
The connection operator, represented by the symbol - , excludes datasets containing the expression following directly to operator.
Between the operator and its following expression you may not insert a space character.
Example from practice:
A search query | Müller -Klaus | finds datasets containing Müller, however, not containing the expression Klaus.
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