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Search mask of the selected search

Open a search mask

If you have activated the checkbox for a search and clicked on the icon

Open search, the search mask for the selected search opens.
You can adjust the existing search parameters and execute the search.

Insert several entries in search mask in case "is one of"

Similar to Windows Client, several entries in the clipboard can be inserted in the case of the search operator "is one of" via an action. For lookup fields, invalid values are filtered out with a hint message like the attempt to insert alphanumeric values into numerical fields.

To insert several entries proceed as follows:

  1. Click the icon to the right of the input field to open the input popup.

  2. You can enter the values in this popup window.

  3. Click Apply.

Each line corresponds to a value. Blank lines are allowed. Depending on the field type, the values entered are validated. Values that could not be transferred are displayed in a notification. The permitted data types of the fields are "String", "Integer" and "Double" and, as in the Windows Client, all three types of lookup fields are supported (picklist fields, lookup on key table and lookup on entities). Unlike in the Windows Client in which you can only insert the values with CTRL+V, you can also use the popup window to type in several values directly.

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