Open mail dialog
In the process workflow the user can start Mail dispatch. The mail dispatch can be carried out with or without synchronization of an activity.

Dispatch with synchronization
The activity for mail dispatch must have been created beforehand in the process workflow. It is stored as an IContainer variable or alternatively as a primary key in the configuration.
The mail dialog that is opened by the process refers to the configuration of the currently used client. The dialog behaves in the same way as the standard dispatch of an activity from the detail mask.
Dependent data (e.g. documents or additional recipients) are transferred as usual.
With the email type you can choose between internal and external mails.
A separate email signature can be optionally defined.
If Continue without mail dispatch is active, the user can cancel the mail dialog. The dispatch status can be queried via a Boolean variable.
Dispatch without synchronization
For the dispatch without synchronization, the ScriptMail variable must be prepared in the process. The methods of the class MailUtils are available in the script for this purpose.
ScriptMail mail = MailUtils.createMail("Hier wird ein ScriptMail-Objekt genutzt");
MailUtils.setPriority(mail, MailConstants.NORMAL);
MailUtils.setSender(mail, "");
MailUtils.addRecipient(mail, "");
MailUtils.setSendHtml(mail, true);
MailUtils.setText(mail, "Dies ist eine E-Mail zur Präsentation der neuen Benutzeraktion");
After dispatch, there is no logging as an activity in the system.