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Reminders are activities with the type 'Reminder', 'Appointment' or 'Task', with the reminder date set and already expired. The activity must be 'Open' and delegated to the own user. The reminders are sorted and displayed in descending order of the start date. Each element currently displays eight fixed fields:

  1. Priority

  2. Read

  3. Subject

  4. Start date

  5. Type (description)

  6. Activity with (description)

  7. Main request (description)

  8. Main project (description)

The priority is added as a small icon to the activity symbol.


  • at most

  • high

  • normal

  • low

The following actions can be done:

  1. Open: The activity opens in a new tab. The action also works by double-clicking the dataset.

  2. Mark as read: The marking is removed

  3. Remove from list: The reminder is removed from the Task list.

  4. Remind later

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