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Info tile - Google Maps


Desktop tile


Entity tile



The info tile "My customer card" identifies business partners with markers on a map display. As a prerequisite the addresses have to be geo-coded beforehand.

This tile can only display a single dataset as a marker on a map. The separate info tile My customer card can be configured extended and is suitable for displaying larger quantities of markers. This is only available in connection with the CURSOR Geoanalysis module.


The map can be zoomed in with the + icon or zoomed out with -. Zooming is also possible using CTRL+Mouse wheel.

Level selection

The thumbnail view in the lower left corner can be used to switch between satellite and city map level.

Jump to larger view

Via the link Show larger map it is possible to switch to the full view of Google Maps in your own browser tab.

Route planner

If the map is wide enough, a button appears in the detail box

to jump to the route planning. With a click, Google Maps is opened in a separate browser tab and the route from the current (or any) location to the destination is calculated and displayed.


Source of the location

Use personal data


The default personal data of the displayed dataset (complete name + address) are automatically determined and used to determine the location.

To be used on contact and business partners as well as persons and employees.

Use address


Uses the value from the Composite address field as the address for determining the location of the displayed dataset.

To be used on addresses and own or custom entities.

Use coordinates


Uses the values from the Line of Latitude and Line of Longitude fields as coordinates for determining the location of the displayed dataset.

To be used on addresses and own or custom entities.

Use own fields


in the configuration of the tile the desired address fields can be mapped.


  • Overlay: Display of five input fields with pre-assignment for

    • ZIP code = ZIPKey

    • Location = City

    • Street = Street

    • Street number = StreetNumber

  • Street number addition is not preassigned because in the C2 layer the default notation StreetNumberAddition can not be used due to the character limitation in the EntityCreator

Composite address

Name of the field in which the composed (= complete) address is located, e.g. ComposedAddress.Address.

Required when selecting Use address.

Line of Latitude

Name of the field in which the value of the line of latitude is located, e.g. Latitude.Address.

Required when selecting Use coordinates.

Line of Longitude

Name of the field in which the value of the line of longitude is located, e.g. Longitude.Address.

Required when selecting Use coordinates.


Initial Zoom

The zoom level at which the map is started. Possible values in the range from 0 (whole world) to 21 (building details).

Map level

Traffic/City map


The map appears in a simplified traffic or city map view.



The map appears in a detailed satellite view.


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