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Info tile - Search (old version)


Desktop tile


Entity tile

(Plus) available for the following entities: all


The info tile "Search" is to display searches. This info tile can flexibly display all searches in different contexts.

This is the old version of the search tile. The new version is much easier to handle and offers an appealing look. Because the two tiles are only partially compatible, an upgrade requires manual migration.



Name of search

Here the exact name of the previously defined search is set.


Configuration by the administrator.

Parameter of search as JSON-Array, containing search conditions. Each search condition has the form:

{ fieldName: <FIELDNAME.ENTITYNAME>, [value: <VALUE>,] [position: <POSITION>,] [function: <SEARCH_FUNCTION>] },

whereat function is one of the defined function shortcuts defined in the following and position needs to be set when more than one condition exists for the same field name.

Add the search fields of your parameters in the search as “is equal to” condition without wildcards. Otherwise the parameter is ignored.

 { fieldName: 'FirstName.Person', value: 'Smith' }, 
 { fieldName: 'LastName.Person', value: 'Peter' },
 { fieldName: 'AddressKey.Person', function: 'ef' },

The field paths to searches with parameters from search sub trees can be defined as follows:


The search sub tree must be available in the search to be taken into account.

Techn. entity name

Here the technical name of the entity is entered, the set search is searching through.

Max. count of search results

Here the max. number of the datasets can be set up, which are displayed in the search result range.


In order to have the maximum number of results displayed, enter value -1.


Here the fields are defined which are to be displayed on the tile.

Technical field names are entered separated by comma (e.g. DelegatedTo.Activity).

Technical field names are displayed in the dataset by pressing the ctrl-key and mouse-over the corresponding field in the lower frame of the application at the same time.

Is no entry made, all search result fields of the search are displayed on the tile.

Presorting by field

Definition of the field on which the sorting of the search result shall be based.

The technical field name is entered here; “StartDate.Activity”, for example, will sort the search result after the start date.

Technical field names are displayed in the dataset by pressing the ctrl-key and mouse-over the corresponding field in the lower frame of the application at the same time.

Ascending sort


Datasets are sorted in ascending order.


Datasets are sorted in descending order.

Column order according to entity


Columns are ordered according to the configuration setting of the entity, for which the search is performed.


Columns are ordered according to the configured order at the configuration parameter “Fields” in this info tile. (Standard)


Show search details


Displays search name and number of datasets on the info tile.


No display of search name and number of datasets on the info tile. (Standard).

Entity board configuration

Apply Pk of dataset

Allows handing over the primary key of the currently displayed dataset for entity boards. This allows the creation of context-sensitive search result lists.


Pk of current dataset is applied (for entity boards only).


Pk of current dataset is not applied (Standard).

Relation (path) to Pk

Name of relation or relation path to the displayed entity, if link over multiple entities, where the board lies.

The relation path has the format


where ENTITYNAME are the names of the entities, that are concatenated in the search tree

Corresponds to this search tree pattern:

The whole search sub tree including the condition "Primary key is equal to" must be available in the search to be taken into account.

The relation names are retrieved by saving your search as XML and searching there for SubQuery:

<SubQuery operator="$AndOperator" relationName="rCoPeAc" entityName="ContactPerson"

Aggregation fields configuration

Aggregated fields

Definition of the fields where the contents are to be aggregated by the search.

The technical field names are entered here, comma-separated (no spaces), like “ContactCosts.Activity”.

Technical field names are displayed in the dataset by pressing the ctrl-key and mouse-over the corresponding field in the lower frame of the application at the same time.

Aggregate function

The functions used for aggregation, in relation to the list of fields to be aggregated specified above.

Available values:

  • SUM: Summation of the column values

  • AVG: Averaging of the column values. By definition empty column values and text values will be ignore, so that the average is only calculated over existing number values (similar to the AVG function in SQL)

  • COUNT(<field value>): Counts the occurrences of <field value> in the column.



Name of search




Techn. entity name


Max. count of search results



Presorting by field


Ascending sort


Column order according to entity



Show search details


Entity board configuration

Apply Pk of dataset


Relation (path) to Pk

Aggregation fields configuration

Aggregated fields


Aggregate function


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