Info tile - Top customers
Desktop tile | |
Entity tile |
The info tile "Top customers" is there to display the most important customers according to defined criteria, classically according to turnover.
CRM version | Indication of CRM type:
Name of business partner search | Here the exact name of the previously defined search is set. The search must contain the following:
The default search selects quotes with the status "Accepted". If the key values of the status field have been adjusted individually, it is necessary to adjust the search to the changed key values. |
Max. result count | Definition of maximum results, e.g. display of top 25 customers. |
Field name (cummulated quote value) | Definition of the field the ranking is to be made to, e.g. cummulated quote value. In the search the corresponding SQL-statement value is set, its result is displayed in this field. |
Currency formatting
Currency symbol | Definition of currency through the currency symbol. |
Thousand delimiter | Definition of the thousand delimiter. |
Decimal delimiter | Definition of the decimal separator. |
CRM version | carmen |
Name of business partner search | C0IB_TopCustomers |
Max. number of results | 10 |
Field name (cummulated quote value) | Freenumber21 |
Currency formatting
Currency symbol | € |
Thousand delimiter | . |
Decimal delimiter | , |