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Customize search result list

The information displayed in a search results list can be customized for specific areas and searches. The so-called column configuration includes:

  • Visibility of the displayed columns

  • Order of the displayed columns

  • Sorting the results

  • Width of the respective columns

If the user has not yet made any adjustments to the above settings, the default setting is always loaded when the search results list is called up. As soon as the user changes the settings, these are implicitly adopted as user settings and are displayed the next time the area or search is called up.

The display and hiding of columns in the search results list can be customized via the configuration menu. This is located at the top right in the toolbar of the search results list.

The order of the visible columns as well as the sorting and width can be set directly in the search results list. To do this, columns can be customized by clicking, dragging and moving the column header.

Opening the column configuration

Column configuration in the search results list

Further information on filtering and selecting columns and rows can be found here.

Column configuration for an area

If a user opens a search in an area without a search-specific configuration of the columns, the column configuration of the respective area is used. For example, if a user hides a column in the standard search of the area (e.g. customer number), this column is also hidden in other searches as long as no search-specific column configuration (see below) has been set up there.

The column configuration per area can be specified system-wide and customized by the user. Adjustments to the system standard must be carried out by administrators or users with the appropriate rights.

Adjustments are made in the test system and transferred to the production system using the customizing transport.

Advanced configuration settings in the area

Several actions can be carried out in the "Advanced configuration settings":



Save view for area as default ADMIN RIGHTS

The current view is saved as the default for this area. Other users who open this area will see the defined view (unless they have saved their own configuration).

Reset view to factory settings ADMIN RIGHTS

The view that was saved for this area is reset to the factory settings (= delivery standard).

Reset all user views for area ADMIN RIGHTS

Any individual column configurations for this area are reset to the area default.

Save server sort order ADMIN RIGHTS

The server sort order of the search results found in the system is saved according to the current configuration.

All actions that are not available in the current system with the assigned rights are hidden for the administrator or user.

Column configuration for a search

Depending on the context of the search, different information may be relevant in the results list. The option to save a special column configuration for a search is available for this purpose.

This option can be activated for the respective search using the "Save column configuration search-specific" property, which is available in search editing. This means that the display of the columns can be customized for this search. The adjustment therefore has no effect on other searches in this area. The property is deactivated by default when creating new searches.

"Save column configuration search-specific" property

Search property

The display of columns per search is similar to the configuration for an area. There can be an administrative default for the search, which the individual user can still customize. For system searches, the specification must be made by an administrator with the appropriate rights. The default for user searches can also be configured by users without special administrative rights. If the user who saves the column configuration for a search is not the same user who created the search, they will be notified of this, but can still save the configuration.

Several actions can be carried out in the "Advanced configuration settings":



Save view for search as default

The current view is saved as the default for this search. Other users who open this search will then receive the defined view (unless they have saved their own configuration).

Reset view to area default

The view that was saved specifically for this search is reset to the area default.

Reset all user views for search ADMIN RIGHTS

Any individual column configurations for this search will be reset to the search default.

Save server sort order ADMIN RIGHTS

For administrators only: The server sort order of the search results found in the system is saved according to the current configuration.

All actions that are not available in the current system with the assigned rights are hidden for the administrator or user.


→ Customize sub area list

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